16.0| Family Stories

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Chapter Sixteen

He pressed a button from his key holder making the gigantic silver gates spread open. On each side, the fences are covered with green leaves that fall all the way to the floor covering the entire concrete beneath. Lines of palm trees offered a house to the borders from the inside. It was too green but obviously a breath taker.  

Never had it crossed that this is their home. Come think of it, I didn't know where he was living. 

The drive down the extra road that brought us to the steps of their clay, red brick mansion was five minutes. All the way, my eyes glued to the spacious green land that laid beyond the road. Like Nikki's but hundred times bigger. Palm trees guided us all the way to the steps. A white fountain rested in the middle of the drive way, serving as round about.

More green landscape painted both sides of the yard. It seemed to have an end though, which was joined by what looked like forest. I was positive that that was where they freed their true self.

My breath throttled in my lungs at the sight of the house. It looked smaller from the distance.

He stopped the engine, walked around to open my side of the door and extend his hand like a gentleman. I dropped my cold body to the floor as I held his warm hands, my eyes meeting his.

"Why are we here?" I asked terrorized at the thought only of me being here in his house.

Not that I was afraid of them but being introduced to his family is something to be panicking. My warm crimson liquid seemed to stop flowing through my veins when he answered.

"My uncle wants to meet the girl who keeps me away from home at night."

I gulped hard, trying to flush down the bitter bile. I forced a toothy grin but failed miserably earning a smile from him.

"Are you scared?" He joked obviously feeling my freezing hands.

"No!" I shook my head.

Beads of sweat polishing in my now paler face.

"Oh, come on. I can't read you but I am evidently not blind."

He yanked me closer to his body, embracing me tight. A sniff of his soothing scent and I was back in track.

He knitted his brows together, staring down at me. "Why are you scared. We aren't going to do anything to you."

" It's not that. We barely know each other. Or that's what everybody may think. It's not about you ripping my head off. It's meeting your uncle."

I retrieved from his embrace as something crossed my mind.

"Why didn't you tell me? I should have dressed for the occasion," I pointed down at myself. "I should have brought something. It's rude to visit someone important and not have something in hand."

I finished the sentence swatting his chest harder than usual.

He blinked his thick lashes, then threw his head backwards to laugh. The one I adore knowing that I am the one behind. I gazed at him mystified at his reaction. As much as I wanted to kiss the hell out of him, I wanted to remove his smirk with a damn smash of lips, which, now that I think of it, is the same thing as the first option.

"What?" I squealed.

"You are good at entertaining." He cupped the edge of my jaw for seconds then dropped his hands.

"Stop worrying about unnecessary things. You are always beautiful, " he pulled me up the stairs and pulled the heavy oak doors, similar to the one at Chloe's house.

Forbidden: Since First Sight [COMPLETED] ✅ (Book One of the Forbidden series)Where stories live. Discover now