32.0| Re-encounter

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Thirty Two

I woke up to the crying of a woman downstairs.

For a moment I thought it was Maya or Sophie fighting, struggling to claw each others eyes out. Maya's calm voice interrupted the silence after a while.

"Was your daughter there?" The woman voiced.

I sat still on my bed trying not to make any noise and be able to get the words clearly. 

I tilted my head to the side to give my ears a better view of the door as I stared blankly at the time in my phone. It was 7:37 and my dad was still home. It was a first because he had a stable schedule he never broke.

There was a moment of silence before the woman started crying again.

"I want to talk to her. How about her friends? The one who organized this party. Oh God! He has to be somewhere. My boy has never done this to me." She sobbed, losing the last few words in it.

"Have you called his other friends? The police?" My dad asked.

At the word police, I stood right up. This had to be serious. Before I realized, I was heading down.

"Ana?" My dad said.

"What's going on dad?"

"There she is," the woman got herself from the sofa, almost running towards me.

"Please tell me you know where my son is."

" Am sorry but I have no idea who you are talking about."

"Jacob. The one with big glasses who usually had a handkerchief with him. He said he'll be going to the costume party last night and he never came back."

I tried searching for him in my memory. I started thinking hard but the only thing I was able retrieve was a fuzzy image of him.

He was always sitting on the left corner of the room beside the window. Beside that memory, I had none of him. I silently prayed he wasn't dragged into the mess from last night while I was unconscious.

"Yeah I think I remember him but I'm sorry I can't help you ma'am. Probably he slept on some friend's house?"

"I said that too," my dad nodded.

"He isn't the one to get drunk or leave his mom to worry. He always calls or lets me know his whereabouts."

" I am sorry, then." I lowered my head taking a step back.

With the looks of her eyes, she had a question and obviously it pertained to the beautiful bandaged on my head, but seeing the internal battle she was dealing with, I was sure she ended with the 'it's none of my business" line.

Maya and dad had their eyes on me, probably having the same hope as the woman that I had information about the guy. But as much as I wanted to be of help, I recalled nothing.

"Oh Lord. " She sighed as another tear ran down her cheeks, "I have to go then. My apologies for coming here in this condition Mr. Mitchel. I'll be there in your office to ask for the help of other students if I can't get to him by midday."

"It's okay. I'll get in touch with you if he appears in school or if I get anything."

She nodded comprehensively and left without another word. Silence remained between the three of us as we stared at the door.

"What just happened?" I muttered.

" She says her kid is lost. "My dad shrugged.

Not because he didn't care, but because there were lots of things happening we had no time to process everything good, while another came. I totally understood him.

Forbidden: Since First Sight [COMPLETED] ✅ (Book One of the Forbidden series)Where stories live. Discover now