19.0| History

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Chapter Nineteen

Third Person POV


Eighteen year old Mariana Russell ran through the forest, holding the few items she was able to save, close to her chest. Even though she was panting heavily it wasn't going to stop her any time soon. It had been more than three hours she had been running, yet she couldn't find herself stopping. Her aim was to escape and never be found.

She looked backwards every other time to check that nobody was following her and when she felt she was far enough, she came to a stop. Not for long. Just for her lungs to get some air and for her legs to rest a little then get prepared for more run.

Her sobs were quiet, yet painful and too loud for herself. It was hurtful and unbelievable how her own people turned against her. She remembered how she grew up there and was trained by one of the best witches to become as powerful as she was now. She was able to kill them all if she wanted but one thing was for sure —she wasn't a murderer.

She didn't realize she was crying until the top of her blouse started felt drenched. She wiped the tears and decided to continue walking. All the way she wasn't able to contain herself anymore, so she decided it was good for the day and she needed some rest.

Not far from where she had paused, she found a cave. It looked tempting. Not utterly comfortable but warm for the night.

She used the cloth her items were wrapped in to cover her small body. She knotted her hair upwards and laid on the cold floor to get some rest. Her body instantly gave away as her eyes closed in tiredness.

"Late in the night, I walk through the unknown...," she hummed to herself as she drifted to sleep.

Rays of light tickled her cheeks to wake her up. Trees offered shed gracefully to the livings beneath them. Birds welcomed the day with their own kind of songs, while other creatures crawled in their homes to rest during the day. Drops of water sled down the leaves leaving the soil humid for smaller organisms. Everything was green. Too green to say: the trees, the trunks, branches and even the soil beneath the shoes was reflecting green. Mosses and ferns covered most of the bottom part.

Mariana yawned while she sat and stretched like a kitten. It took her only seconds to realize where she was and for everything to click in her head like a line of dominoes falling top each other.

Immediately she picked up her things and started her journey but stopped when she heard water flowing somewhere near. She followed the smell and the sound, and not long after found herself standing over a cliff. A small water fall rushed down the river to aid with the spectacular view under her. She followed the trail to climb down from the side and smiled at the sight. Good way to start the day.

She hadn't taken a bath since the previous day, so she decided it was time for one. Nobody would find her here since she had run for hours. It was impossible for anyone to get to her by now. She hid her items under cut ferns and folded her clothing neatly over it. It wasn't clean but it made the job to cover her perfect curved body.

The water was warm when she dipped in. She thrust her entire body into the water then started swinging back and forth, close to her things.

Meanwhile she enjoyed, a half man- half animal creature walked closer and hid behind a tree to study the beautiful silhouette swimming in his favorite river.

She was singing while she enjoyed the water. He wondered what song she sang as he had never heard that one. A foreign feeling overtook his body when he saw her angelic face. She gasped when she heard the crunching of sticks made by foot steps.

"Who is there?" She half-whispered but he was clearly able to hear her words.

Even her voice was celestial.

He remained silent behind the tree because with his appearance he didn't wanted to scare her away. He heard many humans walked into the forest to kill his specie but she seemed unarmed for him.

"I know you are there," she continued , "show yourself."

He went against it, so he froze in his place. He wanted to be close to her for some reason and he didn't wanted to make her run.

Before he knew it, she was standing in front of him already changed. He wondered how she did that and what was the thing she was holding to her chest.

"I uhm...sorry," he mumbled, his head facing to the ground.

She let a giggle escape her lips and once again he felt like his head was struck with a log.

He was feeling dizzy but somewhat complete. That moment he felt his body asking for her, along with his mind and his heart. Even her smell, despite foreign from the other humans, he enjoyed it. It completed his soul just by being near.

"I am Mariana," she gave her best toothy grin and held out her hand.

His eyes went along her body, tried his best smile and held his half hand-half paw out to shake her hand. "Nice to meet you Ana. I am Michael."


Mariana hurried home in escape of the thunder. The skies threatened to open any moment while she went in search of the last leaves to make her potion.

Her mate was out that afternoon along with the rest of the family and wouldn't be coming back until the full moon was over. It was a period of time where he would turn into a fierce creature without control, thereby went as far as he could from Ana.

She was hoping it didn't rain so she could make her sacrifice and help Mike, so she hurried packing the last of it, placed the letter on their bed, closed the door and ran to the place where she was ready to start the process.

Her heart was heavy as she placed the last item on the circle. She started the ritual with the same feeling on her chest, but after convincing herself that she is doing this to help him, she proceeded.

While the ritual went half way through, the moon started getting stained with blood. Michael saw the uncommon change of it and went back home in search of Mariana. After he knew that Ana was a witch, he was more careful and vigilant with her. He was afraid she kept her word of the promise she made to him; to help him in their transformation.

He followed her scent when he didn't find her home as usual. He looked upwards to see the moon in complete blood form and his heart went screaming in front of him. As he came closer to Ana, he hollered her name from the top of his lungs.

He saw her lifeless body lapsed to the ground and screamed her name over and over again when she didn't move. He held her into his arms while he cried with all his might. Blood shed down the circle where they were. He rocked back and forth as he weeped his loss.

He found his hand being covered with more fur than usual. His hand started disappearing, transforming into a full paw. He sobbed ignoring his change but couldn't hold any longer when his back bone started cracking folding into an animal spine. He cried in pain but still was positive that his heart was hurting more at his recent loss.

He laid her lifeless body to the ground as he transformed into a complete wolf. His cries changed into a powerful howl as his body was in full form. The moon was back to its normal color by the end of the alteration. Mike kept his eyes up while he howled harder than before which in return he gained other roars.

Forbidden: Since First Sight [COMPLETED] ✅ (Book One of the Forbidden series)Where stories live. Discover now