27.0| No promises

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The only people that mattered at the moment were dad and Maya. That's the only thing that kept screaming on my head. They were there and it freaked me out to know they were facing danger. 

"No Ana! You aren't going. Stay!" Devon commanded as he stood from the chair, tugging his phone in his pocket.

"The hell I am staying. My father is there and we are here doing nothing but arguing about who is going?"

"You can't do anything," he insisted as he walked towards the door.

As much as the truth hurt, he was right. But me being Diana Mitchell, no matter what danger I had to face, I wanted to go. My feet itched to take me there.

He must have read it on my face as he walked back to me, cupping my cheek with his rough hands.

"I promise nothing will happen to them. I will bring them safe to you but just promise me something."

I stared into his pleading eyes, wanting to know that he was not making empty promises. I nodded, simply because I was holding the urge to argue with him and if I started talking I was sure I wouldn't be able to hold it back.

"Promise me you won't go, and in exchange I'll bring both of them safe. No matter what it takes me, I'm making sure to keep this promise. "

It was hard to agree and knowing him, he would prefer to lock me in a bathroom and let me loose my voice screaming, than to go along. But all I wanted was to have both of them here with me and if the cost was to sit my ass and wait for them while I chewed my nails, then I would. 

"Okay," I sighed. One corner of his lips twitched upwards as he didn't had to insist much and he won on the first try.


I sat on the sofa uncomfortable taking turns every five minutes with pacing. I was nervous, waiting for a call or a simple message from anyone to tell me that every thing was fine.

After Devon's departure, I was crying, screaming in the inside. A lot of self control was needed and hell I was using everything in me to not drive over there, but neither Chloe nor him were helping. All my messages were delivered but none were open which was the cause of more anguish.

I was dead worried.

"Come on guys," I told myself as I glanced to my phone last time.

I couldn't hold it any longer. I was driving insane. I walked to the kitchen and downed a cup of cold water, then decided to call my dad — or Maya. Or whoever answered first. I didn't wanted to alarm them if they knew nothing but it won me.

"Hello? Dad!"

"Ana? What's going on? Everything alright there?" I heard him say, struggling to shout over the loud music being played on the back ground. Voices struggled behind, sounding like if they were being pushed.

Then the call was ended by a smash. The loud thud made me move the phone from my ear for merely a second, which was followed by the high pitch ringing of a call being cut.


"Dad!" I repeated, feeling my heart accelerate.

There was only one thing being repeated in my head. The more I wanted to make it stop, the worse it got.


My head screamed as I found my body glued to the ground.

All the memories since I was born up to the actual date started flashing. It was the moment I started regretting every missing second, hour, day, month and year I didn't share with him. There were so much things I wanted to do with him now, and life was not playing fair. Not at all.

Forbidden: Since First Sight [COMPLETED] ✅ (Book One of the Forbidden series)Where stories live. Discover now