V: Blood Sky Ball

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"I don't care if I fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell."


*Adelaide's POV*

There's a tale that floats around the castle and the kingdom of Vorena about an Angel. 'There once was an Angel who fell from the sky' it states in one of the many books in the library. 'An Angel with so much beauty for being just a babe. She was taken in by a well-known husband and wife who raised her like she was their own, never minding to tell her the truth about her past. She was an angel among monsters.' I was always so fascinated with the fact that a holy being could ever end up here, in Hell, and survive.

She must have felt so out of place in this world, like a diamond among lumps of coal. And now, right here, as I sit upon my throne that sat at the back of the ballroom beside my parents and Lucia watching over the hundreds of nobles that we're dancing and talking among each other, I couldn't help but feel utterly out of place. And bored.

My red and gold ball gown itches my my legs, my chest, pretty much any inch of skin the tule touches, my head hurt, and I was extremely tired, despite getting my regular eight hours of sleep; Suffice it to say, I wasn't having a good time. I slouched against the crushed velvet backing off my throne. No wonder I fell asleep at the last Blood Sky Ball.

My mother tapped my arm. "Don't slouch, dear. And at least pretend to have fun." I straightened up and turned my head to face her. I wanted to ask her how I was supposed to have fun when all I could do was sit and look pretty. But, instead, I aimed to please her. "You're absolutely right, Mother. I'm going to go dance." I stood up, brushing my dress off.

"All by your lonesome? Are you sure that's appropriate, darling? It is a bit. . ." She drifted off and raised a dark eyebrow, as if she expected me to know what she was trying to say.

"What? Unconventional? No need to feel worried about what your friends would think, Mother, I'll find someone to dance with." I assured her.

"Like Dark." Lucia teased. I sent a glare her way, which was short-lived when I realized my father was gone. Where did he go? I turned and descended the stairs into the sea of demons and other ethereal beings. Squeezing through the group, a woman in a large hoop skirt bumps into me and I stumble. When I regain my balance, I look to the woman, ready to vituperate her for bumping into me, but I recognize the woman.

I blinked. "Captain Rose?"

Nadezdha Rose; current acting captain of Vorena's Royal Guard. Once, when I was twelve, when I had first met Captain Rose, I had pronounced her name with such difficulty that she bent down so she was at eye-level with me—Captain Rose is just over six feet tall—and said, with a mischievous smile,"You may call me Nadia, Your Highness." I remember how her eyes, sharp and light bluish-gray, twinkled as if she just shared a secret no one else knew.

Captain Rose was promoted to captain a few years ago when she managed to bring in a group of rebels that had been a problem for years. The villagers, and even some of the higher-ups, strongly disagreed with a woman being in charge of such a powerful army. She's quite pretty, with long red hair, big stormy blue eyes, and the tall athletic yet curvy build of a true warrior. Not much, if anything, was known about the captain. Rumors abounded at court, of course; some say she was an assassin from Reah—a sprawling city on the coast of Deadour—who assassinated the wrong official and fled to Vorena under a false name, others say she's really the next Duchess of Zria in Leca who ran after murdering her power hungry, social climbing fiancé. Captain Rose gave a warm—albeit slight uncomfortable—smile. I could tell she wasn't used to presenting any other facade other than unwavering cynicism. "Princess Adelaide," she said, curtseying.

"You never striked me as a big dress kind of woman," I replied, gesturing to the extravagant green gown.

"Oh, believe me, I'm not. But this is the first ball I've been to in my time here so I thought I'd give a dress a try. Though I didn't expect Lillian to dress me in something so. . . Extreme."

I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, Lillian. You know, someone should really tell her that she isn't the queen of this castle"

Nadia let out a laugh and said, "Indeed." Just then, out of the corner of my eye, I see a black haired head.

"It was very nice talking to you, Captain." I said. "We need to catch up soon."

"Of course, Princess." She smiled before turning to the group she was conversing with as I walked away.

I thought I would have to shove my way through the crowd, but they seemed to part before me. A perk that comes with be the Princess of Vorena I suppose; no one touches or hurts you unless you are wanting to be executed. I stopped and spun slowly, observing the ballroom; I had lost him.

"Looking for someone?" I heard from behind me. I turned around. ". . .Yes, but you would know that already. Wouldn't you, Dark?"

Dark smirked. " I suppose, but knowing that you know takes the fun out of it."

"I guess I could forget," I teased. The orchestra picked up in a moderate gavotte. At least I knew how to dance to this one; we started dancing. I occasionally looked at the thrones to see if my father had returned; he had. And he looked as if he was about to make an announcement.

"Attention," he called out to the hundreds of nobles. "My wife and I are grateful for your joining us here in Vorena on this fine occasion. Now, before we get to the feast, I have a very special announcement to make."

The ballroom filled with questioning murmurs along with suspicious glances. I glanced at Dark, who was staring right ahead at my father with an angry, intense stare. "What is it?" I whispered; Dark didn't answer.

"To my eldest daughter and her future husband, I'm moving the wedding up, three months from today, the Kingdom of Vorena and the Kingdom of Servilia will be merged together."

Everyone looked shocked, even my mother looked confused. The room started spinning and it felt like I couldn't breathe. I think Dark said something but it was muffled by the ringing in my ears. I shut my eyes tight; An ethereal feeling flowed through my veins to every inch of my body; it was almost too much. I crumpled to the floor. I don't know how much time had passed when I opened my eyes. Minutes? Hours? But when I did open them, I was on the floor of the ballroom with Dark crouched beside me.

"Adelaide? What happened?" Dark asked, searching my eyes intensely. Royals and servants were staring, I looked to Lucia and she genuinely looked scared. Wordlessly, I grabbed Dark's hand and stood up and rushed out of the ballroom and towards the garden.

What just happened?

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