VIII: Baby Bird

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"Beauty of whatever kind, in its development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears."

~Edgar Allan Poe

*Adelaide's POV*

I skipped all of my lessons today. Instead, I spent a few hours in the library before sneaking back to my room, where I sat on the edge of the window in my chambers and looked over the village as I twirled the piece of parchment in my hands. It's as if I'm seeing the villagers in a different light; they weren't filthy parasites, they were just people, normal humans just trying to get by. My heart squeezed and I smiled because of something I couldn't quite identify. . . Sympathy, maybe?

"You're asking to be killed, sitting there like a fragile baby bird," I heard a smooth voice say from behind me.

I smirked. "Well, sometimes baby birds need to be pushed from the nest in order to fly." I shrugged. "But, there's no need for getting metaphorical, I guess." I swung my legs back over the ledge into my bedroom where I was now chest height with Dark.

"Why are you still here, Dark?" I questioned, looking up at him.

"I had to discuss some things with your father, darling, about the ambush a few days ago Nothing to worry your pretty little head about."

'I'm worrying', I thought. I lowered my voice. "I... I think I know who orchestrated the whole thing."

Dark nodded. "Anti's men." He said simply. "I was planning on heading to Leca to see if could get some answers out of the Virus." The City of Leca was a wasteland compared to Vorena and Servilia. Its people starved and fought over rations, deviants, and bandits ruled over everything, and all of it is owned by Anti. The Virus. He earned that treacherous sounding title a long while ago. I've never gotten the chance to ask why.

"I'm going with you," I insisted, hopping off the windowsill. I pushed past Dark and into my closet, grabbed a heavy black cloak, and returned.

"And what of your father? I doubt he would want you going out, especially now," he inquired, though it didn't sound like he really cared about what my father would think.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "The king will just have just accept the fact that he can't control me anymore. Besides, I want answers just as much as you."

"You know you're not allowed to leave the castle."

"Ah, yes. But you are not going to stop me, are you?" I put on my best "pouty" face, jutting my lower lip out slightly and batting my eyelashes. The art of seduction, of the first lessons I took in preparation for becoming queen maybe six years ago. I never thought I would need it until now, that is.

Dark was silent for a moment before sighing. "Fine. Let's go, we haven't got all day." I smiled and practically squealed with excitement; I've never been outside the castle grounds in my entire twenty years of existence.

Dark smirked as we walked out the door. "I'm highly impressed, Adelaide. You'll make a fine queen."

"Mmm," I mused as I contemplated the thought. "Maybe."

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