XXIX: What's to Come

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When Adelaide woke she felt serene; it was around six in the morning and everything was quiet, chilly due to the early January breeze wafting through an open window, but quiet. Wrapping her blanket around her, she rolls out of bed to close the window. As she was locking it, she remembered what day it was.

And who spent the night in her chambers.


Adelaide peeked over her shoulder to see Dark sleeping. A small smile touched her lips; he was sort of endearing when he slept. The worry lines etched on his face were no more and he hardly resembled the feared Darkiplier this kingdom knows. Adelaide slipped into her nightdress and carefully opened the door when she reached it, still keeping a careful eye on Dark. When he did not react to the creaking of the door opening she slipped out of his room.

As she walked through the hall, she noticed the amount of servants had depleted substantially for there were barely any in the halls. The Devil's Heart was doing quite the number on the human population, but hopefully after today that won't be a concern.

Adelaide, on the other hand, was not doing well; she had been getting paler and weaker for sometime. She was uncharacteristically clumsy and trembly, all of her usual grace gone. If anyone noticed, they certainly didn't say anything. Adelaide rounded corner and saw Seán. They made eye contact and smiled a smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes, she smiled back; Dark must've made the news aware to everyone one else.

It all happened so fast, then. Adelaide catches her foot on an uneven bit of ground and just pitched forward bonelessly, making no effort to break her fall. She hits the floor like a bag of bricks—she was unconscious before she connected with the floor.

“Adelaide!” Seán yelled, rushing to her side. He looks around frantically. “Go get Dark!” He shouted to a nearby servant. He propped Adelaide up against his chest; her breathing was light, almost non-existent, and there was virtually no color in her face.

“Come on, Addy,” he begged. “Stay with me.”


For the second time today, Adelaide woke up, more slowly and more painfully than the first. Her eyes fluttered open and she found herself in her bed in her room, her head elevated on a pile of pillows, surrounded by Seán, Dark, Mark, Caitlyn, Nadia, and even Anti. They were all staring at her as if she was going to die any second.

She could, though. She could die any second. There is no cure for the Scarlet Plague.

“Why didn't you say anything?” Dark demanded in a calm manner.

Adelaide looked around at their faces; they were all worried and suddenly Adelaide found herself feeling greatly regretful. “I didn't want to worry you all, “ she spoke softly.

“Look how that turned out,” said Anti. Nadia shot him a glare.

“How long have you known?” Dark asked.

She thought for a moment. “A few months, perhaps, I…”

“A few months,” Dark repeated. He stood up, dragging a hand down his face. “Does anyone else know?”

Adelaide shook her head. “No.”

“So you haven't been receiving treatment or anything?” Mark questioned.

“There's no cure for the Scarlet Plague, Pretty Boy,” Anti explained. “Not one that's been found, anyway.”

“So there's nothing anybody can do?” Caitlyn asked.

“No, there isn't,” Dark stated coldly. “Certainly nothing you can do about it.”

Caitlyn stood up. “What's that supposed to mean?” Everyone broke out into separate arguments soon after. Adelaide sighed and looked at the clock; it read one o'clock.

She cleared her throat loudly, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. “It's almost time,” she stated. “You all must now if you are going to meet Gregory on Demon's Field.”

“No, Adelaide,” refused Dark. “You aren't well and I won't leave you in this condition.”

“You made a deal,” Adelaide reminded him. “Demons don't break deals.”

“This isn't up for discussion,” he declared.

Adelaide sat up abruptly. “Actually, it is!” she layed back, spiraling into a fit of coughs. Once the coughing stopped she sighed, clearly frustrated. “If you don't, the whole human race will go extinct, leaving only demons on this world. And while that may sound like a paradise, demons will not succumb to being slaves.”

Dark stared at Adelaide and she stared back for a good minute. Finally Dark speaks. “Anti, arrange a carriage, and take them with you. We are going to finish this, once and for all.” Once Anti and the others are out of the room Dark sighs. “Are you sure?” He asks.

Adelaide nods. “As sure as I can be.” She reaches forward and takes his hand. “Gregory isn't much, but he is an honorable demon. I'm sure whatever deal you made with him he will honor.” Dark breaks his gaze. “I will be right here, anticipating your arrival.” When he didn't say anything she snapped her fingers. “You will come back, won't you?”

Dark turned around and kneeled by her side. “Of course, my love. Always.”

“I love you,” she said. It felt strange to say the words aloud, but it was something to get used to.

“And I you. Which reminds me, I have a gift  for you.” He pulls a ring from his pocket.

It was absolutely beautiful, it was

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It was absolutely beautiful, it was...

"My mother's ring," Adelaide says softly, gingerly taking the ring from Dark's hand.

"Well now it's yours."

She smiled, feeling the tears well in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispers.

"Get some rest. I will see you soon." He kisses her forehead and she watches him leave through the door, to his death? To his victory?

She wanted so badly to believe the latter.

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