XIX: Trust Thy Ruler...Or Get Thrown in the Dungeon. Your Choice.

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Meanwhile on the far side of the castle...

Caitlyn peeked around the corner, looking for a certain redhead.

"Do you see her?" Mark asked. He slowing looked over Caitlyn's shoulder, his eyes wide and alert.

Caitlyn shook her head. "No. The coast's clear." Mark breathed a sigh of relief and together the strolled down the hall as casually as they could. "Remember what the Queen said: keep your face hidden."

"What did she mean by that anyway? He asked.

Caitlyn shrugged. "I don't know. But you might want to listen to her. She'd probably have you executed or something."

"Adelaide's not like that-"

"Please, they're all like that."

Mark's face grew sympathetic. "Caitlyn... I know you're still mad about what happened to-"

"Understatement of the century." Caitlyn said, her brow knitted together in despair.

"But that wasn't Adelaide's doing. It was the King's. He's the bad guy here."

Caitlyn stopped in her tracks and wheeled on Mark, her face screwed up in anger. "And who's to say she isn't just like him, Mark? She's his daughter, after all. Raised by him. She's privileged and spoiled and a demon. Demons don't care about humans, and they sure as hell don't care about the lives they effect."

"You're making an awful lot of assumptions about someone you haven't even got to know."

"Yeah, well, you learn a lot from being second in command of an organization created because of demons..." Caitlyn's eyes drifted over Mark's shoulder and her eyes grew wide. Her eyes darted between Mark's face and back over his shoulder.

"Caitlyn?" Mark asked slowly. He turned around to see what she was gawking at, and he found himself at a loss of words.




Heading towards the two was a well dressed Man who looked identical to Mark. He was busy talking to another man in dark clothes with brown hair; they seemed to be having a heated conversation.

Caitlyn started to speak slowly. "I think I know what Adelaide meant now."

"Should we run for it?" Mark asked, clearly racked with shock.

"Yep." Caitlyn grabbed Mark's upper arm and steered him in the opposite direction. And, as if things couldn't get any worse, around the corner came Captain Rose. When she made eye contact with the rebels she blinked a few times, trying to register the sight in front of her. When it finally registered,she picked up her speed. Her eyes flashed yellow and her lips pulled back in a snarl.

Mark and Caitlyn quickly backed up, not bothering to turn around. "Hey... Captain." Mark started with a nervous smile. "Long time no see?"

"You." She ground out through gritted teeth.

"We should really run now," Caitlyn said.

"Yep," Mark agreed. They ran away from the Captain, nearly colliding with the two men the were trying to avoid.

"Uh sorry," Mark stammered, not exactly knowing what say. Caitlyn picked up the speed, forcing Mark to as well. "Nice hair!" He shouted over his shoulder.

"Captain?" The man who resembled Mark asked in a warning tone. The man next to him spoke up.

"Who and what the hell?"

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