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Quinn was sat in class, his legs propped up on the desk in front of him, his chair tilted back precariously. He was fiddling with a piece of paper he'd ripped from the textbook, folding it into a swan. He hadn't realised what he'd done until his perfect creation was already fully assembled, and he quickly screwed it into a ball and tossed it in the bin.

His Mum had forced him to take origami lessons when he was younger. That, along with Latin, piano, swimming, archery, drama, flute and ballroom dancing classes. He hated every second of his childhood.

His Mother had crafted the perfect image for her only son. He was going to excel. He was going to be a genius, the best at everything. He'd grow up and live in a big fancy house with a pretty blonde wife and children who wore sweaters over collared white shirts. He was meant to have the title of 'doctor' or 'professor' and spend weekends on his yacht with his billionaire friends.

But instead, he was here.

He had wasted his family's time and resources. All the effort they had put into making him perfect had gone down the drain. He was just a bundle of disappointments and lost dreams, never amounting to anything.

He'd been kicked out of his snobby prep school when a teacher found him getting fucked by the rowing instructor. The coach, of course, was fired and put on trial. It led to a huge court case, resulting in his parents looking at him with nothing but disgust in their eyes. He was expelled and after the scandal, no other school would accept him.

Oakleaf Academy was his only choice.

And now here he was, wondering how he'd thrown his entire future away for one good fuck. His parents were glad to have him locked up and far away. They couldn't even look at him anymore, not with the knowledge of their son being gay. It had spoiled everything.

He hadn't told anyone how he wound up in here, not even Diesel, his best friend. If anyone knew he was into guys, he'd be a goner. Plus, letting people know that he came from a privileged background would only spark a divide and breed hatred born from resentment. If anyone asked what he did to get sent to Oakleaf, he'd shrug his shoulders and lie; 'What can I say? I was a troubled kid.'

He was completely zoning out of the teacher's lecture, his eyes focussed on the back of Kit's head a few tables ahead. He sighed internally, feeling his heart flutter at the mere thought of the boy. He hated how he couldn't control his emotions. He wasn't supposed to be like this; he wasn't supposed to be gay and he wasn't supposed to fall for someone he could never have. He despised the way that Kit had shaken his entire life with something so small and insignificant. Maybe it was a smile or a messy tie or a little snide comment. It was something so tiny, Quinn couldn't even put his finger on it. But somehow, he'd been put under his spell and he had no idea how to reverse it.

Their stupid 'arrangement' had started in the showers, late at night, when nobody else was around. He wasn't quite sure how it had happened, but they'd ended up kissing like the world was ending. The next thing he knew, Quinn was being shoved up against the tiled wall, concealing his moans and feeling as much of Kit's body as he possibly could.

And now he was a lovesick puppy with a broken heart.

Once the bell signalled the end of the lesson, he hurriedly packed up his books and shoved his way past the hustling students and out the room, receiving a few muttered insults and middle fingers. Thankfully, it was the end of the day, meaning he could retire to his dorm and cut the rest of the world out until tomorrow. But apparently, the world had other plans.

He was suddenly grabbed by his forearm and dragged into a nearby storage cupboard. The movements were so quick and smooth, no one even noticed him being kidnapped in the middle of the busy corridor. He squirmed and struggled and tried to break free, kicking his feet furiously.

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