forty two

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one month later

"So?" Benji grinned.

Elias sighed, though he couldn't conceal the way his eyes lit up from a murky mixture of amusement and excitement. "How do you know about this?"

"I nicked a newspaper from a guard." Benji whispered, his eyes darting over to the teacher, making sure she couldn't hear their conversation. He had read about it. A meteor shower taking place tonight. Nothing could stop him from watching that, not even the thick walls that locked them in. "The guard you tried to make me suck off."

Elias paled at the mention of an event which had haunted him, drifting through his head, infecting his sanity, his consciousness. "You know I don't do that anymore."

Benji's smile only grew. "I know. But it's only been a week since you quit dealing drugs. What if you change your mind?"

"I won't."

"But you don't know that-"

"Because of you. I won't."

Benji smiled, his fingers grazing Diesel's across the table, his small way of saying thank you. "So, you'll sneak out with me?"

"How did I end up with you?" Elias asked lovingly. The icy chill was absent from his voice. The bitterness, the coldness, the stony nonchalance was drained. The Pup had filled him with nothing but warmth and love. "Of course I'll watch the stars with you."

"Great." Benji's entire expression lit up, "I've invited Lucky too, is that okay?"

Elias rolled his eyes, "Why? You scared to be alone with me? Can't trust yourself to keep your hands to yourself?"

Benji nudged him teasingly, "You know how miserable he's been recently. It'll be fun."

They didn't have any grand plan to sneak out that night. They were going to meet in the corridor and try their luck. Neither boys had been out at this time before; so long after curfew. They just prayed that the guards had gone to bed and forgotten all about them. And if they hadn't, then they were in deep shit.

"Where are you going?" Quinn groaned, rubbing his eyes and rolling over to face Diesel. The creaking floorboards and Diesel's rustling sheets had stirred him awake.

"Nowhere." Diesel whispered back, pulling on his jeans, "Go back to sleep."

"You meeting Benji?"


"Why? He allergic to sunlight?" Quinn scoffed.

"Meteor shower."

Quinn shuffled out of his blankets, sitting up in bed as Diesel flicked the light switch. He squinted and shielded his eyes at the stinging brightness. "Can I come?"


"I'm coming."


"The stars are for everyone." He argued, hopping out of the bunk and quickly getting dressed, his eyes lidded from exhaustion.

Meanwhile, in another dorm room; "Pup?" Kit yawned, sitting up in bed when he noticed Benji's creaking bed groaning. "You off?"

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