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Benji was shaking furiously. He couldn't control the trembling of his fist as he banged obnoxiously loudly against the door. He didn't stop knocking until it opened. Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock-

"Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up!"

He froze when the door finally swung open, stumbling forward involuntarily from his raised fist, flying towards the nonexistent door. He quickly raised his head and straightened his spine in an attempt to look more confident, "You're a dickhead." He spat.

Diesel rose his brows and leant against the doorframe, his arms crossed, looking as if he was settling in for an entertaining show. "What's that, Pup?"

"You heard me." Benji hissed. "I'm not scared of you. Not anymore."

"Wow, the puppy can speak. Who would've thought it?"

"People think you're this big, scary guy, but they're wrong." Benji continued, his nerves throbbing with fear. But he couldn't let his terror show. He needed to remain strong. "You're human, just like the rest of us."

"You sure about that?"

"Yes." Benji gulped. "You had a first word, a first step. You were a baby, then a toddler, then a kid. You went to school, you did homework, you got told off for stupid things. Just like everyone else. You're not special, Diesel."

Diesel laughed lightly, "Wow. What a speech."

"Don't do that." Benji whispered. "Don't patronise me! Don't pretend you're above me just because you're stronger!"

"What d'you want, kid?" Diesel asked in exasperation.

"I want...I-I want you to apologise." Benji murmured in embarrassment.

"Apologise?" Diesel cackled, "You should be grateful. You know how many people I've let off so easily? One. You."

Benji wanted more than anything to turn around and head back, but he had made a promise to himself. A promise to stand up to Diesel no matter the consequences. "What you did. It's not right."

"Oh, grow up. Drugs are everywhere, you're just a sheltered little-"

"I'm not talking about the drugs!" Benji mustered all his willpower to take a step forward, trying to appear as tough as possible, though he knew it wasn't working. "I'm talking about what you did to me."

"I gotta say, Pup, you've surprised me." Diesel smirked, examining his nails patronisingly. "I thought you were a terrified little pushover. I guess I was wrong. You know, you're the only person to ever stand up to me."

Benji's fists clenched, his jaw locking in anger. Diesel was treating him like a child, trying to distract him by changing the subject every other sentence. He refused to give in. "Stop doing that."

Diesel rolled his eyes and yanked Benji into his empty dorm room, slamming the door shut behind them. Diesel's dorm was messier than he'd expected; clothes everywhere, torn up pages littering the floor, half eaten packets of crisps spilling onto the carpet. Benji started to panic. He was trapped, alone with the beast. He'd never been in this situation before. They were always in crowds or surrounded by people (well, aside from when they were in the storage cupboard with the guard). Diesel could do as he pleased, and no one would hear him scream. "You ready?"

"R-Ready?" Benji squeaked out, his confidence draining quickly, running away like water slipping through his fingers.

"You ready to fight? That's what you're here for, isn't it?" He cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms in preparation. "You didn't seriously think you could get away with that?"

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