01 Girls Night turns into Girl Night

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                          *Delilah POV*

     I have no idea how long we've been here. It's Friday night and my friends and I decided that a girls night out would be fun. So here we are at a club that we aren't even supposed to be in until we are twenty-one. But my friend, Rachel made fake ID's for us and my other friend, Janet seduced the bouncer or whatever. I have strange friends. Speaking of which, where the heck did they go?

     How do I lose two twenty year olds? Well, we are in a club with a ton of people. I walk through the crowd, looking for my two best friends.

A guy grabs my wrist and I look at him. He's about 5'11, has tattoos down his arms and a piercing on his tongue. Ew. Nope. His clothes are torn and he stares at me with his intense gray eyes.

"Are you Delilah Richards?" He asks me.

"Why do you want to know?" I ask. Usually I'm not sassy like this but this guy is giving me a bad vibe.

"You're going to have to come with me." The guy says with a smirk. Uh no.

"You thought wrong." I tell him as I try to get out of his hold.

"Sweetheart, don't be difficult."

"Let go!"

"No. My boss needs to have a word with you about your brother." Brother?! I don't have a brother!

"What the heck are you talking about?! I don't have a brother!" I yell at him as I try to yank my hand out of his grasp. My light brown curls get in my face and I want to throw them up into a ponytail. I didn't even want to curl my hair, Janet convinced me.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING WITH MY BEST FRIEND?!" I hear a familiar voice yell in fury and I feel relieved.

Janet stomps over to me in her black sparkly high heels. Her skin tight purple leather dress goes to her mid thigh and her black leather jacket is in her hands. Her dark brown curls are in two braids and her makeup looks flawless against her dark skin. I've always envied her looks. She's always been the pretty one.

Rachel is right behind her with her blonde curls falling in her face. Her skin tight rose gold leather dress has some alcohol down the front of it as well as some vomit. She drank too much again. She's not even walking straight in her silver sparkly heels.

"Let go of my best friend!" Janet yells at the man, who is still holding my wrist very tightly.

"Get out of here little girl." He says and I instantly see the fire of anger in Janet's eyes. She marches over him and knees him in the balls. Then she punches his jaw twice, next she kicks him in the gut. Once he lets go of me, I run behind Janet. Coward? Yes.

"What were you saying about me being a little girl?" Janet asks with a smirk and the guy just falls to the ground.

"Oh no." Rachel groans and a few seconds later she's puking her brains onto the guy that Janet just beat up. Disgusting.

"Let's go." Janet suggests as she takes one of my hands and one of Rachel's. Janet drags us to my car that I drove here. It's a small blue Toyota. I love it.

"Home?" I suggest as I start the car and start driving.

"Actually, Ivy just texted me saying that Kevin is at her party and not at home so I have to check that out." Janet says and I sigh. Ivy is a popular girl that is really nice and is Rachel's roommate. Kevin is Janet's boyfriend of two years.

"Fine. Girls night continued!" I announce as I start driving to Ivy's dad's house. In case you were wondering, Ivy's dad lives an hour from campus but her and her dad aren't on the best terms so she hardly sees him. When she does, it's usually to throw parties. Her mom lives all the way in England. So far away from Pennsylvania. After her parents split, she packed up with Ivy and left.

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