Chapter 7 - I Like You

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“I can’t wait ‘til he kills that dragon,” Charlotte burst through the door and into a room of the Inn they were staying at. She paused a second in thought before she closed the wooden door, locked it and continued as she walked towards the bed, “or better yet, have the dragon kill him.”

“Charlie!” Two male voices exclaimed back from the direction of the bed.

When she had burst in they had both jumped up blushing as if caught doing something forbidden.

“Don’t say that! Someone might hear you. And you shouldn’t have burst in like that, what if someone followed you in?” Theo said as he settled back on the bed.

“Well, you should’ve locked the doors. You two have become careless. Lucky for you it was just me this time,” she said as she plopped herself on the bed next to Theo, leaning her back against the headrest. She put her feet on Damien’s stomach since he was laying horizontally to them with his head on Theo’s lap with his feet hanging off the side of the bed.

“Umph! Thanks for the heads up Charlie.” Damien turned his head to glare at her. The glare was short lived, however, because Theo brought his hand back down on Damien’s head and started running his fingers through his short, dark curls again.

“You’re welcome!” Charlotte retorted back sarcastically.

“Bitch!” murmured Damien which caused her to shrug her shoulders as a sign of indifference. She had heard it all before and she knew he was actually angry with himself and Theo for leaving the door unlocked.

“He’s grumpy today.” The red haired woman pointed out as she rested her head on Theo’s shoulder. Seeing the two of them like that, one would guess they were siblings. Both had red hair and similar features, but Charlotte had green eyes while Theo’s were light brown and his nose and cheeks were covered in light freckles. Damien on the other hand was the complete opposite of the two with dark, almost black short curly hair, dark blue eyes and tanned skin.

He had his eyes closed and let Theo’s fingers massage his scalp, relaxing him. He felt his heartbeat slow down again.

“But you two are still my favourites,” she said through a yawn and grinned.

“I wonder why...” Damien rolled his eyes behind his closed eyelids. “Must be our amazing personality and great skills in bed.” A small smile slipped onto his lips.

Charlotte giggled. “Yeah, great skills in bed, if only you were to share. So selfish!” she poked him in the ribs with her bare toes.

“Nope, sorry. I don’t share my man.” Damien opened his eyes, winked at her and smiled to Theo.

“Bummer!” Charlie pouted at them.

“You know your womanly wiles won’t work on us Charlie.”

“Well, you can’t blame a girl for trying.” Charlie smiled back but turned serious again when she remembered why she had come to their room in the first place. “Reed said he’s gonna look me up tonight,” she sighed wearily.  “I can’t handle him yet, he was too rough the last time.”

Theo brought his hand around her shoulders and pulled her in closer. “We’ll cover for you, you know that. So no worries about tonight. But...”

“I know. I won’t be able to avoid him much longer. At least Magnus has been keeping himself busy with other women this last week. I shouldn’t complain, this whole deal could’ve been much worse. You all could have been all over me. What was I thinking!” she huffed out.

“You weren’t. It was your stomach and your empty purse that did the thinking for you.” Damien tried to comfort her by rubbing her calves which were resting on his stomach.

“I know. Hopefully it’ll be over soon, one way or the other. Then, I just need to pull through with going back and I’m done.”

“Why not ask him to leave you behind when we go back?” Theo asked.

“You think he will? After the last stunt I pulled?” she extracted herself from Theo’s embrace, crossed her hands across her chest and looked up at the ceiling.

“Yeah, that was really a stupid attempt at running away.” Damien agreed.

“It was worth it... Seeing his fuming face when he caught me. He was so embarrassed that I managed to get that far with his horse. I thought his vein would burst and that he might die on the spot.” She smiled wistfully, imagining his once possible demise. “Now, that would have been a wonderful sight.”

“But, was is worth it? The beating and … other things?” Theo turned his angry eyes at her. He had been the one that had helped patch her up afterwards.

Both men heard her sigh and could see her lip quivering as she fought back the tears.

“I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have...” Theo gently wiped away a stray tear that ran down her cheek and brushed a red curl behind her ear. He hated seeing her like that. He was starting to really care about her, in a sister/brother kind of way.

“Anyway,” Charlotte cleared her throat, “I’ve wondered for a while now, why are the two of you even working for him?”

Damien turned his head and looked up at them, “At first I wanted the money, he offered a lot, and then I wanted him,” he said as he smiled at Theo “I got him, so now I want money for us. So we could settle down somewhere.”

Theo leaned forward so he could place a loving kiss on Damien’s lips who met him halfway. They would’ve deepened it if not for Charlotte’s squeal of delight.

“You want to settle down!! That’s so cute!!” she squealed again loudly, clapping her hands happily.

Banging on their door made them all jump up.

“Charlie!! Is that you in there??” They heard Reed’s slurring voice boom from the other side of the door.

“Shit!” “Damn!” “Fuck!” The trio exclaimed at the same time as they sprung into action.

Theo and Charlie started moaning loudly while he was unbuttoning her shirt and she quickly pulled her skirt down, leaving her only in her chemise. Damien, at the same time, attacked her neck, leaving a few love bites.

“Charlie!! I can hear you, you bitch!!”Reed’s deep voice boomed again.“Open the goddamn door!” The door shook with the force of his banging.

“Quickly!” Theo murmured quietly and let out a loud moan as he ruffled her hair.

Charlotte bit down on her lip hard, almost drawing blood, so it would appear kiss swollen. Her cheeks were already flushed with adrenaline. She then got off the bed and went to open the door. Looking back, she saw that both men were already undressing themselves.

“What got your breeches in a twist Reed?” Charlotte appeared breathless when she opened the door and leaned seductively on the doorframe.

“You!” Reed growled back at her as he leaned closer and his alcohol laced breath brushed her face. Instead of gagging she managed to plaster a smile on her face.

Theo appeared naked behind her, hugging her close to him by wrapping his hands around her waist.

“I haven’t finished yet, and Damien still hasn’t had his turn.” He planted a kiss on her neck, nibbled while she faked a giggle. “We got to her first tonight, you know the deal Reed.”

Reed was a bit uncomfortable with the sight of a naked man before him and as he was about to respond, Damien walked by nude in the background, barely holding in his laughter at Reed’s distress.

“Ummm.. yeah.. yeah.. sure. Plenty of other whores around,” he looked everywhere but at them before his bloodshot eyes settled back on Charlotte’s. “But you’re still my favorite.” Reed ran his big thick fingers down her cheek, “Next time I’ll be faster.” With that said, he turned around and stumbled away as Theo closed and locked the door behind him.

All three sighed in relief.

“That was close.” Theo broke the tense silence.

Charlie looked them both over, admiring their naked bodies. “Such a...shaaaaeeeaaamme,” she said through a yawn.

Damien and Theo chuckled.

“Come on, Little Red. Let’s get dressed and sleep. It’s gonna be another long day tomorrow.” It was Damien’s idea and the other two agreed easily. They pushed their beds together after dressing up for the night, with Charlie in one of their shirts, and they all snuggled up together.

“Good night guys.”


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