Chapter 12 - Big Bad Dragon

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“What is it Kaden?” Olivia took an instinctive step closer to the dragon, sobering up instantly.

“Someone's inside,” he grumbled angrily.

Why do they have to bother me now? Kaden looked up at the sky and breathed out deeply, creating a cloud of smoke around himself and Olivia. She waved a hand in front of her face to clear out the air.

“Is it them?” Olivia asked as she leaned into Kaden, looking around as if expecting an ambush of men to jump at them out of the nightly shadows.

“I don’t think so, unless they left someone behind.” Kaden scanned the surrounding forest with his sharp eyes, his dragon eyesight penetrating the darkness far better than Olivia’s.

“I don’t see anybody out here.” He tilted his head to the side, listening carefully. “And I don’t hear anything out of place. You should be safe here while I check what creature invaded our home. Just… just stay close to the cave’s mouth. Scream if anything happens.”

Olivia took a deep, brave breath before she answered. “Okay, I will. Be safe.” She gave him a quick hug before he went in. She only took a step inside the cave’s mouth and pressed herself against the wall, straining her eyes and ears for any signs of trouble or danger. She wasn’t concerned for herself, but for Kaden.

A few moments later, she heard Kaden’s chuckle rumble out, accompanied by some growling and then anxious whining. Curiosity got the better of her and she took careful steps deeper into the cave.

“Kaden?” she called out gently because she didn’t see anything but could still hear his amused laughter and the soft whimpers.

She heard the now familiar intake of dragonly breath and closed her eyes so she wouldn’t be blinded by the sudden light. When Olivia saw the light of the fire dancing behind her closed eyelids, she first opened one eye to peer out at the scene playing out before her. Her other eye snapped open too in surprise.

Before her, she saw Kaden, now glaring at the tiny creature in front of him because it had started growling at Olivia.

It was a completely black wolf cub, 6 or 7 months old by her guess. It was cornered and scared. It had probably stumbled upon the cave in search of food and shelter.

Since Kaden was in a totally protective mode and the cub didn’t stop growling lowly at Olivia, Kaden snarled back, the sound making Olivia jump up in fright as she turned to look at Kaden in surprise. He even went as far as to bare his fangs and teeth at the little furry creature in front of them.

He really could be a frightening sight.

The cub stopped growling immediately and started whimpering. It tucked its tail between its hind legs, lowering its head in submission as it pressed itself further away, against the wall of the cave. As Kaden continued to snarl, smoke slowly coming out of his nostrils, the cub submitted even further. It slowly rolled over, exposing its belly to Kaden. It even started to whimper louder and its bladder no longer holding against the fear coursing through its wolfish little body.

The sound and the sight made Olivia snap out of her trance-like state.

“Kaden!” she snapped towards her dragon. “Stop it! You’re scaring him to death!” She stepped forward, placing herself between Kaden and the cub, putting her hands up as if trying to stop him.

“He growled at you!” Kaden managed to grumble out once he ended his snarling. “He threatened you!”

“Oh for goodness sake Kaden, he’s just frightened, trying to protect himself. Look at him, he’s no threat, even without you around.” Olivia pointed her finger at the still whimpering ball of black fur.

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