Chapter 15 - Sacrifice

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“Absolutely not!” Olivia’s voice rang out through the cave, startling the men outside as well.

“It’s the only way. I can’t think of anything else.” Kaden was getting exasperated with himself.

“Are you sure there are absolutely no other ways out?” Olivia inquired a little quieter this time.

“No… and I’m beating myself about it now. There are a few cracks in the stone walls of the cave, but they are too small even for you to squeeze through. I’ve never had the need for a back exit. Never had people like that coming after me and never had anyone to look after. If you weren’t here I would’ve just charged out there, fending them off until I reached a good enough place to fly away from.” Kaden was now pacing back and forth, Olivia also stood up, pressed against the wall. Pup had retreated a bit further, staying out of the way but still alert.

Olivia lowered her head. “I’m sorry,” she said softly.

Kaden stopped his pacing and turned to look at Olivia through the darkness. The colors he couldn’t distinguish but he could see her tiny form slouched with her head lowered. His heart constricted at the sight. Not long ago she had been laughing happily, running around with the cub, and now…

“What are you sorry for?” The dragon moved closer to her.

“For holding you back… you could’ve been safe by now.” Olivia played with her fingers nervously in the darkness as she heard him come closer.

“Liv.” Kaden reprimanded her gently. “Don’t even go there... don’t even start with that train of thought –“

“But…” Olivia tried to add.

“No Liv, nothing is your fault… no what ifs, we cannot influence what has already passed and most of those things we didn’t have any power over anyway. We cannot change the past so what’s the point to worrying over it.  We need to adapt and move on. Think about what’s to come and how we can make it work to our advantage.” He was much closer to Olivia now, his warm breath brushing over the top of her head.

Olivia tilted her head up and blindly reached out with her hands so she could place her hands on each side of his face. “You should take your own advice then and stop beating yourself about the things you cannot change now.”

A chuckle escaped Kaden. “You’re right.” He pulled back slightly. “But I still think my plan is the only way to go.”

Olivia sighed deeply. “But –“

Kaden cut her off, “It’s the only way, I would’ve handled them like that regardless. I’ll just need to hold them off a bit longer to give you a chance for a head start. As I said, I’ll charge out, giving you time for a head start. You just keep on running. They’ll be slow anyways with their armors and all so you should be able to get away. Once far enough, I’ll go to the fly off spot and then I’ll come and pick you up once you leave the forest. I’ll come for you. I promise.” He hoped he would be able to live up to his words, he knew it wasn’t going to be easy, fighting all of them off, but as it was the only way to get Olivia to safety he’d gladly make the sacrifice.

Olivia step closer to him, moved under his head and snuggled into his dragonly chest. “I’m afraid. I don’t want to lose you.”

Kaden rested his big head gently atop of hers. “You won’t.” Olivia decided to trust his words, it was easier.

“What about Puppy?” Kaden heard Olivia ask, her voice quivering, she was barely holding back the tears and trying to stay strong.

“We’ll tie him up in the back cave,” Kaden said as he pulled back from her.

Dragon's Treasure (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant