Chapter 8 - First Encounter

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“Liv …” Silence.

“Olivia …” Kaden’s voice was soft and quiet. He had been trying to wake Olivia up but was afraid to speak louder in case he scared her.

“C’mon Olivia. Time to wake up.” He nudged her gently then nuzzled at her side with his snout.

“But I don’t want to,” she whined tiredly, making Kaden’s chuckle rumble through the cave and the now familiar shiver run down Olivia’s spine. She was very adamant with her sleeping, being too comfortable and cozy. Lying on the soft mattress while being snuggled up to and surrounded by everything Kaden.

His scent. His warmth.

She felt protected, safe and loved. Very cozy indeed, too much so that she didn’t want to move anywhere, except maybe closer to her dragon, which she promptly did.

“Come on Love. It’s a beautiful day and I’ll take you flying again.” The endearment slipped past his lips as he tried to coax her to get up.He felt her smile against his dragonly scales. She obviously approved of the endearment.

“Yes you will. Just like you’ll give me a bit more time here... with you.”

She then placed her palm against his side and started caressing him softly, cherishing the feel of him under her questing hand. Kaden had to close his eyes in pleasure from her touch and if he could purr he would have had at that moment. Instead, a rumbling sound came forth from his throat, a sound of enjoyment which had Olivia smiling even wider.

“My dragon,” she murmured to him softly before she placed a gentle kiss on one of his scales where her face had been pressed against him.

“Do you want me to stop?“ Olivia asked him mischievously, still not opening her eyes and enjoying the feel of his heartbeat picking up speed under her ministrations. She could almost feel the blood pulsing and running through his veins.

“No,” Kaden answered through a rumbling moan. He was utterly mesmerized and completely under her spell.

Opening her eyes, Olivia looked up at him and smiled innocently.

“Well, it seems we have a problem then my dear dragon. You want me to get up and at the same time you don’t want me to stop. Which will it be?” she raised her eyebrow in question.

Kaden looked down at her and almost got lost in the sky of her eyes as she continued to caress him gently. The wicked but innocent smile playing on her lips kept him floating instead of flying high.

“You really are a little minx deep down. You’re doing this on purpose.” He tried to pretend a whine but his eyes gave him away. They were happy.

“But we really shou...” he got interrupted by one of his own rumbling moans when Olivia started scratching him gently. It had a sensual shiver running through him.

“Olivia...” was all he could say while she marveled at the new power she had over him. A dragon nonetheless.

“Hush Kaden, just enjoy a bit,” Olivia responded pressing her face to him again while she continued to scratch him softly. After a few more peaceful and very intimate moments, Olivia started moving, pushing herself away from him.

“But I don’t want to.” Kaden threw back one of her own excuses, making Olivia laugh.

“Who’s the whiney one now?” She sat up and leaned her back against Kaden while, at the same time, he unwrapped his wing from around her and tucked it back. Her legs were stretched out in front of her, so Kaden just twisted his neck and brought his big head down, settling it over her lap, at least part of it.

Olivia automatically brought her hand down on his head and started tracing his features. The feel of the scales on his head was so very different to those on the rest of his body. They were much harder, sturdier and a bit rougher.

She ran her hand from the top of his head, between his eyes and over the ridge of his nose to his snout. She traced his mouth, over his protruding fangs to the side of his head and his cheek. There, she spread her fingers wide gliding them upward and gently over his closed eyelids. She was making a mental map of his dragonly features.

Her fingers stopped their wandering at a scar that cut through his eyebrow and continued above. It was vertical and as long as her palm to the tips of her fingers. She leaned over and presses a soft kiss to it, letting her lips linger a second longer.

Dragon's Treasure (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant