iv. cruel aftermath

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IN ALL OF VERONA'S immortal existence, her one wish was to find her mate. She watched as her coven found their lovers, and she wished from the bottom of her heart that she had what they had. Edward understood what she was going through and it brought them closer. Well, until he fell in love with someone and forgot what it was like to be on the outer. And with that, she was on her own again. Verona had pictured every scenario when it came to finding her mate, but never did she believe he'd be her coven's worst enemy. They were from two different worlds, the colour of their eyes bringing them down paths that didn't cross. One moved towards a coven who valued human existence and the other chose to look upon mortals with distaste. Their relationship, if they ever reached that point, would be nothing short of complicated, and Verona wasn't sure how they'd be able to move past their issues. The one thing she'd waited a century for turned out to be a cruel joke decided upon by fate; how ironic.


Verona's eyes darted away from the window, locking on the back of her brother's head. They'd arrived home several hours ago, the family deciding to move back to where they belonged; Forks, the one place they just couldn't escape from. Bella was dropped home first, and her father's reaction to their arrival had been nothing short of furious. But the tension was soon defused with their departure, and now they were on the way back to their house, where the rest of their family were waiting for them. Verona refused to speak to anyone since the incident that changed everything, and while she knew her brother was monitoring her thoughts to make sure she was okay, she couldn't bring herself to care about what he was hearing as she continued to stare out of the window, immersed in the dark night.

"Verona, come on," Edward sighed, his eyes squinted in a silent plead as he peered at her through the rearview mirror. 

"I don't want to talk about it," she muttered, voice bleak.

"But don't you think-"

Verona's annoyance spiked as Alice wheeled around to look at her, stomach twisting into knots as she remembered her sister's betrayal. Alice - her best friend since birth - had kept someone so crucial from her, and she wasn't sure how to move on from that. 

"Can you just," Verona paused, words catching in her throat as she sighed. "Give me some time, please?"

Alice frowned, leaning back in her seat, "Okay. If that's what you want."

The rest of the drive was silent, and soon, they were speeding down the drive and parking outside their home. Verona was the first one out of the car, the others following behind her as she moved towards the front door, which slammed open before she even reached the porch steps.

"How could you?" Rosalie seethed, arms crossed as she loomed in the doorway.

"Rose," Emmett stepped up behind her, his hands moving to usher her back inside.

VERONA ━━ alec volturiWhere stories live. Discover now