xvi. glory days

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ITALY WAS JUST AS Verona remembered it to be. Tourists and locals crowded the narrow, cobblestone streets, talking and laughing amongst themselves as they relished in the cool shadows the towering buildings provided, stray flares of warm sunlight seeping through the crevices. In the distance, Volterra's infamous castle loomed over the village, and even from afar, Verona could sense the comforting presence of her mate within its walls.

At the thought of him, she froze, glancing down at the letter she gripped in her hands, the one he'd sent to her. The people behind her shot her annoyed glares as they were forced to maneuver around her, but she paid them no attention, too captivated by her doubts to notice her surroundings. If she continued on her way, there'd be no turning back. She'd hear what he had to say and see where her heart took her. But if she went home and cut all contact with him, she'd never be happy again, she'd never feel complete without him by her side.

In the end, she knew what she had to do.

Being back at the castle made her stomach twist with nerves. The memory of walking down those corridors for the first time played in her head over and over like a broken record, and she let out a sigh as she pushed open the double doors, wincing as they groaned at her touch. In an instant, someone appeared before her, their black cloak masking their lean frame. Demetri's bright, mischievous eyes stared at her with caution, and she tried to send him a polite, placating smile as he spoke, suspicious.

"What are you doing here, Cullen?" he hissed, his head leaning to the side curiously.

"I need to see him, Demetri," she told him, ignoring the jab at her last name. "That is, if he hasn't changed his mind."

Demetri was quiet for a moment. Then, he spun around and disappeared down the corridor in a flash of colour. Verona frowned after him, just standing there, unsure what to do. For a moment, she wondered if Demetri had decided to ignore her, but before she could so much as think about finding her mate on her own, someone else appeared in the corridor.

"Verona." Alec's eyebrows were drawn into a happy but cautious frown, his crimson eyes taking in each and every inch of her. "I didn't expect you to show up."

"Really?" she mumbled, ignoring the pang of sadness forming in her chest. "Well, I can leave if you want me to."

"No," he immediately protested, reaching out to grab hold of her wrist. She stared at him for a moment, swallowing thickly at the longing in his eyes. "Please stay with me."

Verona looked at him then, really looked at him. He stared back at her like she was his whole world, stars in his eyes and an adoring grin tugging at his lips. His grip on her hand was gentle yet loving, and it made her frozen heart soar.

VERONA ━━ alec volturiWhere stories live. Discover now