xi. and they collide

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THE WOODS WERE SHROUDED in darkness. Leaves from low-hanging branches brushed against her shoulders as she sprinted through the trees, closer and closer to their meeting spot, only to find the clearing in question empty when she arrived, the silence suffocating her. Verona huffed as she took a seat on a fallen log lying by the treeline, her arms wrapping around her torso as she waited for him. If she was being honest, she wasn't sure why she agreed to meet him. Alec wasn't the epitome of honesty these days. But then again, neither was she. Both of them were just too hesitant to have their hearts broken by the other.

Glancing down at her watch, she noticed how much time had gone by. The longer she spent sitting there, the more stupid she began to feel, her heart plummeting in her chest, a heavy weight tethering her to the earth. And when an hour had passed and he still hadn't shown up, she scrambled to her feet and began to storm back home, tears she couldn't shed stinging behind her eyes. 

"Verona, where are you going?"

She froze, an unneeded breath catching in her throat. Alec's voice was just like she remembered it to be. It sent a wave of content crashing over her, and her nerves were immediately lost in the chaos. Her shoulders tensed as she kept her back to him, and she knew from the way her stomach twisted that if she was still human, her heart would be beating like an over-active drum.

"Verona, look at me."

As he repeated her name, she wheeled around. She could sense him standing there, could feel the longing to run into his arms and hold him close for the rest of forever threatening to consume her. But she kept both feet planted in place, her arms crossed over her chest.


Their eyes met. Despite knowing what she was getting into from the start, her eyebrows arched in surprise at the vibrant red hue that peered back at her, matching the faint blood stains on his lips from a recent feed. Verona's stomach flipped at the scent, at the urge to race over there and press his crimson lips to her own, and she forced her eyes to meet his own as he shifted his stance to match her own; cautious, but nonetheless open to the fact that she was there, just in arm's reach of him.

"You've been ignoring my calls," he hummed, his eyes raking over her figure, admiring every inch of her. "I'm surprised you even showed up tonight."

"I almost didn't," she spat, though she couldn't deny the sparks as he stared at her in such awe. "I contemplated showing you up for the stunt you pulled."

"Did you now?" Alec smirked, a silent challenge for her to let everything out. "Then why didn't you?"

At that, Verona had nothing to say. She didn't have an answer to his questions, for she had no idea why she was standing there when she knew she was supposed to be angry with him. Alec's eyes glistened as they glanced from her defeated expression to her arms, which had fallen slack at her sides.

VERONA ━━ alec volturiWhere stories live. Discover now