viii. to catch thy enemy

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VERONA HALE WAS NERVOUS, something that didn't happen often in her immortal years. She'd seen so much more than the average person would in their lifetime, and she'd lived to tell the tale without a hitch. But the idea of speaking to her mate had her in a frenzy, pacing back and forth in her bedroom, phone clutched in her shaking hands.

Alec had written to her earlier that week, asking her if she wanted to talk over the phone. She was uncertain at first, but confident enough to respond, giving him her number and asking when he'd like to call. But the closer and closer she came to actually hearing his voice, the more nervous she began to feel. Alice was the only one in her family to know it was going to happen. Verona hadn't wanted to tell the others (Rosalie) in fear of what they (she) would think. She knew they supported her, they'd made that clear over the past couple of weeks, but she still had her doubts sometimes.

Alice, however, wasn't there to soothe her worries. She'd convinced the others to go on a hunt with her, leaving her best friend with nothing but her thoughts for company. And her thoughts were scaring her more than they were calming her down. What if he decided she wasn't good enough for him? What if something happened where all her worst fears came true?

Before she was able to message him and back out, her phone started to ring. Verona's heart stopped as she peered down at the screen. Alec's name stared back at her, taunting her. Contemplating her next move, she pressed the green answer button without thinking, her hand moving the phone up to her ear.


"Hello there." It was like the world had suddenly stopped spinning. Alec's voice was like music to her ears, something that her heart had been yearning for since they first started exchanging letters. She was falling harder and harder by the second, despite the demonic part of her brain that screamed for her to stop and think, to realise who she was talking to and what she was putting at risk. "Verona, can you hear me?"

Her name sounded positively sweet coming from his mouth, his smooth accent sending shivers down her spine. She would sit there the whole day and listen to him talk if she could, but alas, the fates weren't on her side that time around. They didn't have much time, with her family set to arrive home at any moment. She knew they wouldn't say anything about her speaking to her mate, but she could still feel the wariness whenever the topic was brought up. She didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable, so she tried to make it quick, even if the thought of saying goodbye so soon made her heart ache.

"Sorry," she chuckled, breathless. "I'm just nervous."

"It's okay," Alec muttered. "I am too."

A smile tugged at her lips, bright and raw in its happiness. They sat there and spoke for what seemed like hours, but in reality, was only a couple of minutes. Verona's concerns stayed with her the whole time, but she couldn't stop the words from flowing out of her mouth, the eagerness to have someone she could call her soulmate becoming all too much to bare. Alec seemed content with it too, so she fought away the darkness that threatened to consume her, to ruin the hope that was slowly growing inside her. 

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