Chapter 9 - Plan of Action [Daniel Quinn]

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Friday, late evening

     Daniel bit his lip while his eyes—for the hundredth time that evening—scanned the crowd. He expected Frey to be there, but so far, he hadn't shown up yet, and Daniel wondered why.

Normally, he wouldn't even be thinking about the other boy's absence, but today, he really wanted to see what he was up to.

All because of Mitchel.

All because of the fact that bastard told him he had met Frey and asked him out on a date.

It sparked jealousy in Daniel, and he couldn't exactly tell if he was jealous over Frey—for going out with his ex, that he secretly still liked in some way—or that he was jealous over Mitchel, because he showed the guts and asked Frey Sanders out on a date.

Daniel didn't even believe Frey would be into guys, at all, but Mitchel had assured him Frey was very interested in 'getting to know' Mitchel a little better. He still didn't fully believe it, which was why he wanted to see Frey and know what he was up to that night. If he would be here, hitting on a girl like usual, Daniel could safely assume Mitchel had been lying.

But wasn't Frey's absence some sort of confirmation? What if Frey was with Mitchel, right now?

Daniel groaned at the mere thought of them together and he still didn't know why it bothered him that much.

He hated Mitchel more than he liked him, and he never felt jealous over any of the girls that had been with Frey before, so that surely couldn't be it.

"What's going on with you, cutie?" Lacy asked him in a humming tone, tickling his head with her long nails. "You are taken by your thoughts, and you keep groaning in annoyance."

"Did you know Mitchel asked Frey out?" Daniel asked her without sugar coating things or bringing it to her carefully.

"What?" Lacy laughed and shook her head in disbelief. "What an idiot. Frey isn't into guys. He hates them, remember?"

"Or he pretended to, because he wasn't ready to accept it. Because if I'm supposed to believe Mitch, Frey was interested. And Frey isn't here today, of all days."

"Frey is here, Danny-boy." Lacy cocked her head, before she nodded to a customer to tell him he could order, pausing their conversation.

Daniel—subconsciously—scanned the crowd again, but didn't find Frey. He shrugged it off, and resumed working, while discussing with Lacy how unlikely it was for Frey to accept a date with Mitchel, but both agreeing to the fact at least Mitchel had nothing to whiny about when it came to Frey's financial status.

And after gossiping about them for a while, with Lacy and later Jenna and Michelle too, he felt a bit better.

He was a little more convinced Frey wasn't going out with Mitchel, but there was still a nagging feeling since Frey hadn't once showed his face behind the bar. He hadn't once came near the bar even.

That was, until Daniel's shift was close to ending, and Frey suddenly appeared in front of him while he was in the back room of the club to change into his regular outfit.

Daniel jumped a bit, because Frey had slammed the door shut behind him. He was fuming, and Daniel swallowed at the sight of it.

"F-Frey?" He stuttered, while Frey stared daggers. If looks could kill, they would be having Daniel's funeral next week.

"How dare you to suggest for that disgusting fag to flirt with me?" Frey hissed, right before he grabbed his collar. "Is this your idea of a fucking joke?"

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