Love hurts

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Jayla had been home for a few days waiting for the divorce papers to come so she could sign them to send them back. 

She had lost her father. She is waiting for his body to arrive at the military airbase. She is there with some of the other families that lost their loved ones on the same mission.

 Jayla is alone, heart broken, she just wanted someone, to hug her to tell her she wasn't alone.

 The plane landed, the coffins were taken off in hearses to the military morgue.

 The funeral for all six men and two women, is Being held in two days.


The day of the funeral Jayla is stood by her father's coffin after the service. Almost everyone had left. Aston had spoken to her, all her father's unit, shook her hand.

 Jayla is angry, sad heart broken. 

She kissed the coffin walked back to her limo. She could see Nate stood in uniform watching her. 

She couldn't deal with him she thanked Aston for being there for her and kissed him on the cheek. 

She opened the door to the limo looked over at Nate she shook her head got in the limo. 

She went back to base where they did a wake for all the lost soldiers. 

She knew this was the last time she would see them she once again thanked his unit for their support.

 She could see Nate, speaking to one of her father's corporals she walked over...

 "What are you doing here?". She asked Nate.

 "I came to see you. They told me about your father".

 "Did you bring the divorce papers?". 

 "Yes and no".

 "That doesn't make sense did you or not?". 

Jayla just wanted to get it over and done with.

 "Could we talk in private?". 

 "Give me five minutes".

 Jayla said bye to everyone... She gets in the limo Nate slides in beside her. 

After a while of driving the limo pulls up to an electric gated country house which is pretty big... The limo drives along the long straight drive pulls up outside.

 Jayla gets out Nate follows her.

 Jayla walks up to the double doors, it opens. 

"Miss Jayla, welcome home". The maid says.

 "Thank you Nancy, this is Nate Henderson". 

 "Nice to meet you sir". 

 Nate couldn't believe what he is seeing. 

"Is this where you live?". He asks in a surprised voice.

 "Yes, this house has been in the family for generations. It belonged to my fourth great grandmother and it's been handed down over the generations now it belongs to me and all this".

 Jayla took Nate to the back of the house where he could see open fields a swimming pool, stables.

 "This is a country estate we have over four thousand acres... This is the house I grew up in most of the time but my father liked us to be with him when he was based overseas".

 "Would you like a tour before we talk?".

 "Yes, okay".

Jayla took him around the bottom of the manor house she showed him the library her father's office the staff kitchen the kitchen used for herself, the dining halls the banqueting room the ballroom and the three lounges the studies, seven bathrooms on the ground floor.

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