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Lucy gasped at the picture her friend made. The machines beeping quietly, and the ventilator that was breathing for her, making a faint clicking noise. Lucy was taken back to last year when She and Bill had found her laying in her bed, catatonic. Bill stepped up behind his woman and wrapped her up in his arms. She turned and buried her face in Bill's chest and sobbed. Drake, at a loss for what to do, merely patted Lucy on her shoulder.

"The doctor was in here just a few minutes ago. He gave me some guarded good news." Drake informed the couple. 

Lucy's head jerked her head up and looked at Drake. "What do you mean, guarded. Drake what's wrong with Samantha?" 

Drake nodded to Bill, signaling that Lucy would need his support, physically and emotionally, and walked over to his seat. Then he indicated that the couple have a seat.

Drake cleared his throat. This was not something that he was looking forward to saying. How Lucy would react would determine how his girl would react.

"Sam is doing well enough that they are going to start lowering her medicine to bring her out of the coma. But, there is some not so good news. Because of where the shot hit Sam's shoulder, they had to fuse a metal plate with her shoulder blade and she may never regain complete use of the shoulder. In fact, she may have little to no use of it for the rest of her life."

Lucy gave a sharp cry and covered her mouth with her hand and buried her face in Bill's shoulder. She shook while she cried and Drake was quiet while she did. Then, as if she was done with it all of a sudden. Lucy sat up, wiped her eyes, looked over at Sam, looked at Bill, then turned to looked at Drake. 

"There's something that you need to know about my best friend, your woman. She's a survivor. She's not a whiner. The only time I saw her ever give up was when Mack died. But once she realized that that was something that he would not have wanted for her, she started living again. Do you know why she had given up? Has she told you what triggered it?" Drake shook his head to indicate a negative answer.

"She lost their baby two days after the funeral. It didn't matter that the doctor had said that there was nothing she could have done. That there was something genetically wrong with the fetus. It was her last connection to her husband, the one man that she thought she would spend the rest of her life with. Do you know that we all met in kindergarten? They met and it was kismet, as the old folks say. They were never apart unless it was something that they had no control over. As soon as they graduated, they got married. They even went to college together."

Lucy let what she had told Drake sink in. She watched as he realized how fortunate he was just to have this incredible woman in his life. Then she finished. 

"I said all of that to say this, Sam is a fighter, and she loves you. She may not have said it yet, but no one knows her any better than me, Drake. Trust me when I say, there are things she would never do without being in love. Would you like to know what it was? Samantha has only ever been with one man in her life, and that was Mack. She has slept with you, more than once. She wouldn't do that if she didn't love you. She just hasn't realize it yet. When she wakes up, you have to be the one to tell her what the doctor has said, and that you will never leave her and will help her get through this. No matter what."

Drake released the breath he was holding and looked at Lucy and smiled. "I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not letting her leave my life without a fight. She's my girl and I love her. She is the perfect woman for me, and I'm not the only one who sees it. I'll be here to support her, love her, cry with her, and yes, even bully her if necessary. I know what the doctor has said, but that doesn't mean that we have to give up and just live with that prognosis. Sam is not one to roll over for anyone. Even me. She'll fight, I know that. But when she gets tired of fighting, I'll be here for her to lean on and gain strength from."

Bill and Lucy sat with Drake and chatted for a few more minutes before they left. That left Drake alone with his thoughts. He replayed Lucy's words over and over in his head until he thought that's all he would hear. But, the one thing he got out of the entire story was that his girl was loyal. Incredibly so. And brave. With a huge heart. Drake leaned back and picked up his cold, forgotten burger and began to eat. It was a little hard at first. If someone had looked in the room, they probably thought he was crazy, because he was grinning like a lunatic.

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