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Drake stood across the room and watched Sam sweat and bite her bottom lip, trying not to cuss the Physical Therapist. This was her second day and she was already hurting. She was sore from her first day, but she had refused the pain medication the nurse had offered her.

"Samantha, I want you to try to raise your arm as much as possible.I'll help. You tell me when it's too much." The therapist was a tiny little slip of a girl. She might be 5 foot even, and weigh 90 pounds soaking wet. But she was good at what she did. She knew Sam had just about to her quitting point.

"Samantha, I don't want you to push yourself too hard, but you do need to push some." Melissa knew that Sam was in pain and why. "I'm going to put my hand under your tricep and help you. You tell me when it's uncomfortable." 

And they began the final exercise of the day for Sam. Drake watched, holding his breath. Yesterday, she hadn't been able to lift that arm more than 2 or 3 inches. He watched the look of determination take over his girls face as she tried to lift her arm. 

Drake watched in astonishment as she lifted it the 3 inches from yesterday, She passed 4, then five. Just as Sam got to the six inch mark away from her body, she let out a scream of frustration. 

Melissa helped Sam lower her arm as Drake watched tears run down her face. "That's enough for today, Samantha.You're going to hurt yourself, if you keep this up. Trust me, I'm the professional." Melissa gave his girl a gentle smile as she talked. It will come Samantha. Believe me. You shouldn't even be able to hold your arm out from your body yet. It was difficult enough yesterday to raise it in front of you. But, you pushed through it. However, I can't let you do anymore than that. You will do more harm than good. So, we're done for the day."

Drake rushed over to the pair when he saw the mutinous look on Sam's face's. "Come on, baby, I'll help you bath. I'll even help you wash your hair." Sam looked at Drake and smiled. And even though there were still tears on her face, it changed her whole appearance. 

"Such a great guy. I love you. You know that, right?" She said, smiling. Samantha turned to look at Melissa. "Tomorrow, I'll go even further."

Turning, she linked her hand with Drake's as they left the therapy room.

As they reached her room, they saw someone come out of it. "Excuse me, can I help you?" Sam asked.

The man, dressed in scrubs, looked at the couple coming down the hall and realized that he had been seen, ran. Drake yelled for him to stop and took off after him. The man got to the stairwell, as a doctor come out and ran in and shut the door. Once the security lock  engaged, without a code, he couldn't get in. Cussing his luck, he went back to where he left Sam propped up against the wall. 

When he got to her, he reached and put his hand on the back of her head and pulled her to him.. "I;m sorry, baby. He got away."

"Call Vulcan and Axe. Tell them to get down here and then call your contact at the police department." At Drake's shocked looked, Sam smirked and said, "I'm assuming you have one. They need to come check out my room. Have the nurse call Dr. Harrington, and see if we can't get me dismissed. I can;t stay here if someone can get to me. I have an idea who sent them and so do you."

Drake nodded as he looked at his woman. She truly was the best woman for him. She had a cool head, and she made good decisions under pressure. Pulling out his phone he called his men, then he called his contact. Everyone was on their way. The nurse had already contacted the doctor, who was walking down the hall towards them. When he reached them, he stopped and asked them to follow him.

Dr. Harrington showed them to a room that was soundproof and had a lock on the door. "I understand that you had an unexpected and unwelcome visitor this afternoon. I shudder to think what would have happened had you a)gotten to the room sooner, b)run into him coming out of the room, or c)caught him before he reached that stairwell. I was a doctor in the military, Drake. I'm not stupid. I understand these types of situations. Besides, I've done some work for your MC. We just never met before."

When Drake looked at the doctor in astonishment. Dr. Harrington smiled. "The woman whose husband cut her up pretty bad two years ago, I was the surgeon. Last year, the little girl with the shattered face, that was me as well. I'm well aware of what you do, Drake. That's why I was the one to do Sam's surgery. We thought that she was another one of your rescues. for that I'm sorry."

Drake reached his hand across the table to shake the doctor's hand. "Thank you," he said in a gruff voice. "Men like you are what really help our cause. People who are willing to help these women and children out pro bono. Because of people like you, a lot of these women get a second chance that they wouldn't ordinarily get, and for that, I thank you again."

Sam watched the conversation with interest. She was about to add her thanks to Drakes, when there was a sharp knock on the door. Drake turned sharply, and pulled Sam behind him out of reflex. He relaxed when he saw Vulcan and Ace.

Behind him, Sam whimpered. Immediately, Drake turned and looked at her. She was crying and trying to hold her shoulder. Dr. Harrington took one look at her and said, "We're going to get you out of here as fast as possible.But first, we are going to give you something for pain." Sam started to argue, and he said,."Ad you will take it, young lady. If your body is tensed up with pain, how do you expect to heal properly?"

Sam's mouth snapped shut, and she stood there quietly while the doctor left the room to go and get her discharge papers ready.


Alright guys. There it is. It's short I know, but still. At least I was able to get something out. I hopw you enjoy it.

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