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                                                                                     Drake's Bed

Drake hurried up the stairs to his room where Sam and the Isabella waited. He had finally remembered the baby's name when he was going to get information. When he entered the room Lucy immediately met him at the door with a finger on her lips, indicating for him to be silent. She then pointed over to his bed. There were his girls, fast asleep. Sam lay with Isabella snuggled up into her abdomen and her hand resting on the baby's stomach. 

Drake quietly thanked Lucy and Francesca and hustled them out of the room. He walked over to the foot and just watched his girls sleep. The peace that settled into his heart was alien to him. It wasn't that he unfamiliar with peace. Just this particular peace that invaded his heart was new to him. It was like someone had gift wrapped the world just for him. 

Samantha, as if aware she was being watched, stirred in her sleep. Rolling carefully onto her back, she groan. She was sore! She tried to think what she had done. Just then she felt the baby move in her sleep. She had held a baby. A baby she wanted very much. She had no parents and no one from Speed or Amber's family wanted her. Drake promised her a family. Ad while she knew that the Club was her new family, she knew that this little precious girl was also her family. She was just about to wave drake over when he chose that minute to walk around the bed and help her sit up. 

Hearing her sharp intake of breath, he knew she was hurting. But before either could say anything, Lucy and Bill knocked on the door and came in after permission was given. Bill was carrying a diaper bag and Lucy was holding a bottle. 

Samantha watched a odd look pass between Drake and Bill. Something was up. She knew it. 

"Don't you dare try to hide something from me Drake. What's going on? I saw the look Bill just gave you." Samantha whispered loudly in a harsh voice.

"The guys want you to stay here, so that they can protect you while we're gone." Drake waited for the explosion he was sure was coming. What he got instead tore him up inside. Two big fat tears rolled down Samantha's face and her bottom lip quivered. 

"You're going with them." The peace that he had just experienced went out the window with those four words. It wasn't a question. His girl knew, that just like any good leader, he would never ask his brothers to do something that he himself was not willing to do as well.

"Yes." Drake was having a hard time swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Tomorrow morning." He replied in a quiet tone.

Lucy walked around him after listening to the conversation and approached the bed. "Samantha, why don't you let Bill and I take Isabella for the night and you and Drake spend some time together. After all, it's been a heck of a day." Without waiting for her friend to answer, Lucy reached over and gently picked up the sleeping baby girl and walked out of the room with Bill close behind.   

"What if you don't come back? I don't think I could survive that a second time, My Beast. Our connection is too strong, too deep. It would kill me, and that would leave our daughter without parents again. You have to come back." 

Drake walked around to the side of the bed where Sam was trying to get up and out  of and helped her. "I'll come back. I have to. You girls are my world and I have to live in it. I don't have a choice." Leaning down he kissed her and watched her eyes glaze over when he stood up. Leading her to a small room off of his room, he opened the door to reveal a small but well built bathroom. Drake pulled her in and undressed her, being careful with her shoulder.     Turning away, he adjusted the shower spray to a good temperature and helped her get in, Then he quickly stripped himself and climbed in behind her.

Being bathed by Drake was a sensual experience not to be missed. The man knew how to worship a woman's body. As he stood behind her, he took the soapy cloth and bathed her chest. Paying attention to every small detail, including the two details at the end of her breast. He made sure that they were given the proper attention before he moved on to other parts of her body. What really amazed Samantha was the by the time he was done, Drake was on his knees in front of her holding each foot separately while he washed them. When he was satisfied, he rinsed them and kissed each toe before placing them back on the shower floor. Standing he went to wash himself. 

"Oh no you don't." Samantha took the cloth from him and proceeded to give Drake the same treatment. At least she tried. She got as far as his muscular chest, when he growled and grabbed the cloth and threw it in the corner. He quickly rinsed off and dried both of them, before taking Samantha to bed and making love to her for hours before they both fell into an exhausted sleep in the early hours of the morning. 

Samantha moaned at the most delicious feeling between her legs. She was sore, but it felt wonderful. She smiled before opening her eyes, imagining Drake's face when she tells him what he once again had done to her. Opening her eyes, she didn't see him in the bed. Thinking he might be in the bathroom, she waited. When he didn't come out of the bathroom after ten minutes, alarm bells starting going off in her head.

"When do you leave?"

"In the morning."

Samantha felt a cold chill go straight down her spine and right through her heart. Sitting up quickly, no caring that her shoulder was screaming from the sudden movement, she quickly gathered some clothes that had obviously been left for her by one of the women, dressed and went downstairs barefoot looking for Lucy, Bill, Francesca. Anyone who could give her answers.

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