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Samantha watched in horror as the projectile left the chamber and headed straight at Drake. But at the last minute somehow he dove out of the way. Never without his .357 Sig, Drake raised it and fired. It hit the man in the knee, causing him to scream out and fall to the ground, dropping the grenade launcher.

Vulcan ran over and picked it up and pointed it at the Senator's man, causing him to turn white. Bill and a few of the other guys walked over to where he was on the ground and picked him up roughly, making him scream when he tried to stand on his injured knee.

Samantha was suddenly made aware of how tight she was holding the baby when she started crying and squirming. Leaning down, and in a shaky voice, Sam began to softly speak and coo to the precious little girl. The quiet reassurance seemed to calm her despite all of the noise of men yelling and some women crying.

Drake walked over to Sam and what he already considered their daughter to check on both. Raising a hand and cupping the side of Sam's face, he asked, "Are both of my girls okay?" At her nod, Drake stroked a hand over the baby's head and leaned down and kissed it and then leaned over and kissed Sam on the cheek. "Have one of the girls show you to my quarters here. I have to go take care of the trash. I may be a while. If I am I'll send Bill to you and have him take you home." 

Drake waved Lucy over where she was helping pick up pieces of the debris that littered the yard from the explosion. "Yes Drake?"

"Help Sam up to my quarters and stay with her and the baby. I'm sure that her arm is getting tired. I'll send Bill to help you get her home if this takes a while. Otherwise, I'll only be about thirty minutes to an hour." Lucy nodded at her Prez and took the baby from Sam, who was looking strained and tired.

"Come on, bestie. I'll show you the Dragon's Den. I;ll carry little miss here for you. I'm sure your shoulder is starting to hurt." Lucy waved Vulcan's girl over and together with the baby, they helped Sam inside and up to the second floor where several of the bikers had small apartments.

"I've never been inside so I can't tell you what it looks like." Lucy said as she opened the door. Sam wasn't sure what she was expecting, but it wasn't this. It was like stepping into a farmhouse bedroom. There was a comfortable looking sofa along one wall and lace sheers on the windows. The bed was wrought iron and done with some very fine detail work in swirls, vines and leaves.

"Well, I'll be damned. The man's a romantic!" Francesca blurted out. They all laughed because they were all thinking the same thing. Lucy helped Sam over to the bed and laid the baby next to her. It seems that the two have bonded and that the bond was not only instant, but fierce. She was fussy the whole time that Francesca held her.

Sam wouldn't lie, she was tired. She didn't want to go to sleep though. She wanted to wait on Drake to find out what was going on and why they were attacked. But her eyes just wouldn't stay open.

Drake walked into the room where the Senator's head of security was chained up. They had allowed him to sit down on the floor because his left knee had been shot. The man never complained about the pain, of his treatment. e knew what to expect. He was a professional. the man had done a lot of unsavory things for his boss over the years. Not limited to extorting Speed and causing him to turn on his brother's. Drake walked over to the man and motioned for two of the guys to lift him up. Without hesitation, Drake drew back and punched the man as hard as he could in his gut, making him gasp and gag. 

"That's for his wife."

He then punched him in the kidneys.

"That's for extorting Speed."

He undid the man's belt and pulled his underwear and pants down and off in one clean motion. He then pulled out the large hunting knife that was always in one of his boots. When he raised up and gently waved the knife in the man's face, he saw fear for the first time. 

"Yeah, you bastard. You know my intentions. Now, you have a choice. I can ask you some questions and you can answer them and keep your stuff, or you can try to keep silent and not answer. In which case, I will slowly slice you up until there is nothing left. And believe me, this knife is sharp enough. And if it does get dull, there are plenty of others in the room." The sound of multiple knives being pulled from sheaths wee heard throughout the room. 

Drake watched in satisfaction as the guy began to sweat. Even the hardest of men will beg when you threaten their manhood. Drake laughed. "Man, I would answer all of my questions if I were you. You really don't have a lot for me to work with down there, and I would hate to cut your balls out one at a time, as well."!

The smell of urine was strong as the guy lost it and began to cry. "I'll tell what you want to know! Just please!!! Don't so that!"

"Okay. First question. How did the Senator know about Speed's sister?" Drake held the knife just above the man's penis ready to make a slice if he didn't answer.

"She was one of his playthings for a while. She was into pain and the Senator liked to give as much as she like to get."

"Who did the deed with the Senator's wife and daughter?"

"The Senator did his wife and had some low level guy shot the girl? He didn't know that it was the his family. He just did what he was told and then the Senator shot and killed him out in the woods by the safe house in Canada."

"Biggest question of all, and I will cut your shit off in one swipe. All of it! If I think you are lying to me. Do you hear me?" When the man froze in fear, Drake pushed the tip of his knife into the man's lower abdomen. "I said Do you hear me!"

"Yes! Oh God! Yes, I hear you!" Tears flowed from the mans eyes freely.

"Now, last question. Who was the target today. Me, my club members or my girl?" Drake growled in his face.

"You and the club. The Senator didn't even know that you had a female of your own yet. He assumed that you were sleeping with the girls in the club, so he figured it wouldn't do any good to try to kill or maim one of them. He figured if he took you out and as many of your members that he could, it would send a message to the rest of his enemies." Drake looked at the two men holding him up and nodded. The released him and let him fall back on the floor. Drake quickly realized that the man was sitting in a puddle of his own urine. "Can I have my clothes back, please."

Drake felt satisfied to see the Senator's head of security humbled, sitting in a puddle of pee and naked from the waist down.

"NO! You aren't getting anything until the Senator is in custody." Drake turned and walked out of the room, going to check on Samantha and their daughter.

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