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"Isabella, I said no and that's final. If you try to push the issue, I'll let your father deal with you." Samantha hated to pull the dad card with their oldest daughter, but she had had enough.

"I know you want Roman to sleep here tonight, and I even understand it. But, your dad and I have already discussed this with you. Even Vulcan and Fran agree with us. Traditions should be observed. You groom can't see you before the wedding. Besides, you're going to be so busy getting ready that you won't have time to realize that you miss him. Trust me. The morning of our wedding, the girls had me holed up in your dad's room at the compound. I was plucked, waxed, brushed, curled, sprayed and my makeup applied. Before I realized it, four hours had gone by and it was time to get dressed. Now, go kiss your fiance goodnight for the last time. Because tomorrow he will be your husband." Samantha turned to where her husband and his VP and his wife were standing.

Drake wrapped her up in his arms and hugged her close. Even after 20 years of marriage they still acted like newlyweds, to the embarrassment of their three children. 

After telling Drake about Danni, their middle child, they had decided to not try for anymore. But, wonder of wonders, when Samantha had gone to her gynecologist, she was six weeks pregnant with their youngest. A boy. Samantha wanted to snort. A hellion. Drake said he was just like him. Samantha hoped that he calmed down soon. At thirteen, they boy was definitely a handful. He might not survive to adulthood if his sisters have any say in the matter. 

Drake looked down at his wife. Even in her mid-fifties, she was still beautiful. No one looking at her would realize her age. Her face was still unlined and her hair had almost no grey. His however, was solid white as was his beard. It was still long. Samantha threatened to divorce him if he ever cut it. 

"What's wrong, my love? You look a little flustered." Drake already knew, but he asked anyway so she could get it off of her chest. 

"Isabella is trying to be stubborn. She was trying to talk me in to letting Roman spend the night."

Drake chuckled. While not their biological child, Isabella and Samantha shared many traits. Stubbornness being chief among them. "So like her momma. Just think, she and Roman will have children and then she'll get a taste of her our medicine. And while I'm looking forward to grandkids, I hate the thought that our baby is a grown woman and about to get married. But, at least the guy she's marrying we can honestly say that we wholeheartedly approve of. How many parents can say that? Not too very many." Drake leaned down and kissed her before turning to his Vice President. 

"Well Vulcan? What's your take on all of this?"

"I'm just glad this will be over tomorrow. After Roman finished their house, he came over here to ask yo if you would let them get married. I'm telling Drake, I thought that boy was going to lose his mind waiting for her to grow up. Then, when she went away to college, especially as young as she was, I thought he would blow a gasket. I thought for sure that he would follow her or hire security for her. The only reason he didn't is because he knows that you had someone watching her at all times. I'm just glad tomorrow it the W-Day. Those two are worse then you and Samantha. And I thought you two were bad." Vulcan chuckled and guided his wife and son out the door.

Turning, Sam and Drake shut and locked the front door. Turning out the lights as they went to their room. "What to take a late night swim?" Drake asked. "The weather is perfect for it. I'm sure Isabella won't be looking for us. She'll be in her room pouting.'

"Come on, My Dragon. Let's go to bed, instead. All this wedding talk has reminded me of some things about our early days." Drake smirked and follow his girl into their bedroom.


Morning dawned bright and clear, and the weather man promised a beautiful, warm day. Isabella walked into the kitchen. Her mom was fixing breakfast while her dad sat at the table going over some paperwork. "New mission, dad?" She asked as she leaned down and kissed the top of his head.

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