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It had been three weeks since the incident, and everything was gradually going back to normal. Drake's ribs were no longer sore, and Samantha's shoulder was healing very well. Today was her doctor's appointment. The surgeon and physical therapist wanted to see how well she was really doing. Samantha was a little smug when she thought of the range of motion that she had. After all, they said that she would never have hardly any use of it. She had almost full range. She could lift their daughter and hold her for some extended periods of time. The girls still had to help her, but she was able to do a lot more than she was told she would do.

Drake sat behind the wheel of his truck, planning. He just about had the wedding figured out. What he didn't have figured out was how to get Samantha a wedding dress. Just as he was running through some different kinds of ideas, they pulled up at the hospital. 

Getting out, he went around to help Samantha out of the big truck. Grabbing her around the waist, he lifted her and let her slide down the length of his body. Her sharp intake of breath let him know that it had the desired affect, and he chuckled. She huffed and smacked him on his bicep.

Once in the exam room, both the physical therapist and Dr. Harrington examined her. Neither one could hide their disbelief. She had progressed beyond their wildest expectations. After the exam each addressed the couple.

"Well, Samantha, I knew you would exceed my expectations, but I had no idea how far you would exceed them. You certainly do not need my services anymore. Congratulations." She shook Samantha and Drake's hands and exited the room.

"Well, young lady, it's my turn to express my astonishment. I must say, I couldn't be more pleased with your progress. I will still need to see you every two months for the next six to eight months. I am reluctant to release you for even that just yet. But, the rate of your healing is, indeed, incredible." He turned and scribbled a few notes on a piece of paper, before turning back to her. "This is your next appointment, as well signs of healing and infections. I can honestly say that I am thankful that I was wrong. Have a good day and see you in a few months." Dr. Harrington turned and left the room.

"Drake, I'm hungry. Can we eat lunch out before going back to the compound?" Samantha asked.

"Yes baby. What would you like? Wait. I'll bet I can guess." Drake said with a smirk.

"Really? What would you guess?" Samantha smiled.


Samantha wrapped her arms around Drake's waist and leaned back to look up at him, and said. smiling, "You know me so well, my Dragon."

Later, at the Mexican restaurant, they were sitting talking when Drake suddenly took Samantha's hand. Looking up, Samantha noticed that Drake looked a little nervous. 

"Samantha? My love, would you.....would you consider.... do you think.....Dammit! Will you marry me?!"

Samantha gasped as the entire restaurant applauded as she smiled and nodded her head, before jumping up and hurrying around the table to hug him. Drake, being Drake, grabbed her and pulled her into his lap where he kissed her deeply.

Their server brought them both glasses of wonderfully rich and sweet sangria to celebrate. Then, she proceeded to explain that the owner had taken care of their bill. 

"All we ask is for you to bring us pictures of your wedding." She said, about to turn away.

Drake spoke up before she could get too far away. "We'll do better than that. We'll hire you to cater the wedding. It's obvious that my girl loves this food. What better way to make her even more happy on the happiest day of our lives?"

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