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Adam waited for a few hours before he decided to track her. He and his team of four decided to check into the only Inn in Willsden Brooke.

He just had to figure out a way to bring her back to his pack and all would be well. He had initially planned on taking her away, kicking and screaming if need be. However, he realised that the situation would be a lot trickier considering her affiliation with Freddie and after meeting her, he knew that he would never be able to do such a thing and forgive himself.

He didn't like Freddie, something about the boy aggravated Adam. Perhaps it was the looks he gave to his female, or the way his hand lingered over hers. She may have been clueless, but Adam certainly wasn't.

Leora was his and he didn't want anyone else near her.

But it did make him question, how many other human relationships would he be disrupting if he took her away? He didn't particularly care, he would have his female one way or another, but he knew the situation had to be handled with the utmost care. He didn't want to hurt her, or force her into a situation that she didn't want to be in- ultimately he would have to convince her to be his.

Adam took a deep breath as he stepped outside, searching for her scent amongst those of the small town. It wasn't hard to find her, he was like a beast locked onto her flowery perfume.

The evening June air was fine, the soft breeze was soothing against the bare skin of the man's bulging biceps. He walked with purpose and intent, almost breaking into a full sprint when her scent became stronger.

The town was quite small, much to his delight, so he had reached his destination in under five minutes. Though he did have the added advantage of an inhumane speed.

He stood by a large tree cloaked in shadow and hidden from view, opposite his other half. There she stood, in a black belted pristine white Gi with a cane in her hand and Freddie beside her as they spoke.

The street was quiet, cars parked in driveways of beautiful, modest, uniform houses. He could hear every word spoken between them and it took all his willpower to refrain from allowing his beast to seize control and attack Freddie in a savage rage.

"Lee I've wanted to tell you since forever..." Freddie laughed nervously, his hand scratching the back of his neck.

"What is it Freddie? We've been friends since we were kids, you can tell me anything." Her melodious voice comforted him.

"I like you.... A lot." He suddenly blurted.

"Oh." Leora leaned back in surprise, she hadn't expected that at all. Some girls might have found it flattering, or an ego boost but Leora just found it uncomfortable- she had no idea of how to deal with the situation. She searched desperately for an answer in her mind but all she could think was: "Why?"

"You're pretty, a-and kickass and wacky in your own way..." Freddie started to rant, "I never once cared about your blindness."

"And that should make me thankful?" She deadpanned, her walls going up. If there was anything she was insecure about it was her blindness; she couldn't see in more ways than one and that terrified her. No matter how cheerful she acted, how much she deflected with humour, it didn't change how much it rattled her self esteem. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"No, I shouldn't have been so insensitive." Freddie shook his head.

"You weren't." Leora tried to assure him, she knew it was her own insecurities that had made her snap that way. She felt beyond guilty about her behaviour, especially to someone who had been her friend when nobody else was. She pulled him into a quick hug, resting her chin on his shoulder as she whispered: "I'm sorry."

With Eyes to See | ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя