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A few days had passed and Leora still hadn't called her parents. Each day she would sit on Adams lap in his office with the phone in her hand, but never had she been able to make the call.

She felt ridiculous! It was a simple phone call- something she had done plenty of times, yet she still felt a sense of dread at picking up the phone.

Adam whilst understanding her fear was also very encouraging. He knew how important this was for, and didn't want her to regret not making the call. So instead of simply sitting there, this time he reached out to dial the number Leora had told him a few days before. 

Leora heard the click of the buttons, her nerves spiking once she heard the dial tone. She almost had the urge to slam it back on the receiver though she didn't get a chance because the person on the other end picked up.

"Hello?" The soft feminine, and familiar sound of Leoras mothers voice came thtough the phone. Adam couldn't understand the Greek language, but still listened intently nonetheless.  "Who's calling?"

"Hi mitéra, it's Leora," the girl replied in fluent greek. It was the first time that Adam had heard her speak in her language and he could deny how much he found it attractive. The blood rushing to his groin was enouugh of an indicator for the girl on his lap though.

"Leora?" Her mother asked before calling off into the distance, "Christian, come quickly! Your daughter is on the phone!"

There was the sound of shuffling on the other end of the phone as her father sounded off an enthusiastic shout. For a moment, Leora felt guilty for not wanting to call them, and for not calling in weeks.

Christian and Katya Kotas were lovely people. They had come to England, settling in the small town of Willsden Brooke after realising that their daughter needed healthcare that could be better afforded in the UK. They had never seen themselves leaving their home country, but they felt they had to in order to give their baby girl her best chance. They left behind their families, came to a country where they could hardly speak the language, gave up their small island life-everything for her.

They had felt guilty at wanting to move back to Greece when Leora had grown up, they didn't want to feel like they had abandoned her but they had missed their life back in their real home. They had offered Leora to come with them, but she had only taken a couple months holiday in Greece before returning back to England. She had spent her entire life in Willsden Brooke, so to her, that was home. 

"Hello patéras," Leora smiled as her dad came on the line. She didn't know whether it was her pregnancy hormones but she felt herself tear up at the sound of his voice- she had always been close with her father and so being able to hear his voice after what seemed like forever was a magical moment for her. "I'm sorry for not calling sooner! I've missed you both so much!"

"Your mother was worried, I tell her you are grown woman and you are fine. It is so nice to hear your voice again buba." Her father laughed, which only made Leora smile. The cringey nickname that had followed her since she was a toddler only making her smile wider- it was like one of those things, where you have no idea how much it means to you until its gone.  

"Actually mama, papa," Leora switched to speaking in English so that Adam would be able to understand the conversation. She took a deep breath, her nerves eating at her as her formulated his words. "I have some news, a lot of really big news."

"Are you alright dear?!" Her mother asked suddenly alarmed. Katya had always been sort of flighty, worrisome woman- she meant well but she tended to sweat the small things. Her husband had always joked that it was her motherly instincts taking full throttle. "Has something happened?"

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