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Since their spat in the woods, Leora hadn't seen Adam. His absence seemed to add to her conflict; part of her wanted to see him, to hold him and apologise- she wanted to jump into his arms and promise to stay forever. However, there was another part of her that was utterly terrified.

She couldn't exactly place what she was really afraid of, in her mind she could come up with a number of reasons. She was afraid that she would never fit in a pack among wolves; she had spent her whole life not fitting in and didn't want to be a misfit here too. She also didn't want to admit that she had really left behind Willsden Brooke- it had been her home for such a long time, she knew that it was safe and comfortable. However the most terrifying thing for her was that she wasn't sure if Adam wanted her, or a soulmate.

Yes, The goddess chose you, but so did I. Yes, I'd be incomplete without you, but I still offered to walk away. Yes, I've waited 11 long years for my Soul, but I never had to accept.

Another day had passed and she still hadn't come close to thinking through her current predicament. It felt like she had spent more time simply drowning in her emotions than anything else.

She hadn't left their room, not even to eat. Of course, Adam was informed and instantly had meals sent to their room. Leora was grateful, but his thoughtfulness made everything seemingly harder... Or did it? Deep within her she already knew her answer, so why was she still hesitating?

She heaved out a breath, she hadn't slept well the night before and was utterly exhausted. The guilt was gnawing at her since Adam hadn't come back to their room to sleep, no doubt allowing her the space that she had insisted was needed. She wondered where he had slept, hopefully it wasn't as uncomfortable as her night.

The girl decided enough was enough. She said she needed to think and that was exactly what she was going to do. With her resolve like steel she stood up, expertly manoeuvring her way around the now familiar room. She changed out of her clothes from the day before, swapping them out for some comfortable yoga pants, a t-shirt and light hoody.

She picked up her cane, guiding herself outside into the open space behind the pack house. She hadn't needed it too frequently as of late since Adam was more than happy to guide or carry her wherever she needed to go. It was endearing that he was always so attentive, but was that because she was his soulmate or because he wanted to help her?

I need you because you're everything right in this world.

She sighed, not fully knowing why the whole conundrum was bothering her; did it really matter if the two facts overlapped? Could they even separate the two? She settled herself by the foot of a tree, taking off her shoes, hoody and laying her cane down also.

The grass was soft, tickling her bare feet as she took a deep breath in. She revelled in the quiet privacy of the outdoor area. The space was often unused, she and Adam had lounged before there when the weather was nice; it was the perfect place to relax.

The girl took her position, doing the one thing she knew that would help clear her mind and help her focus. Her body just seemed to take over, moving expertly through her favourite Katas; for a moment it felt like she was back at her usual dojo in Willsden Brooke. However, she refused to linger on such thoughts; her mind thought only on the discipline required to continue her movements. Her body relished the pause of her chaotic mind.

She would think everything through with the discipline and balance that she had learnt through her training.


Adam groaned painfully, stretching his sore limbs. His body ached, a product of last night's exertion. He rolled his neck as he sat up, a small chill had goose-bumps raising on his naked flesh. He looked around for his clothes, his mind lingering on how stupid his actions were; he had never felt so out of control before.

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