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It was three days later when Leoras parents arrived. They had flown in through Heathrow Airport on an early flight and had agreed to be picked up by Adam and Leora.

Adam had initially been against Leora taking the trip with him considering she was pregnant and constantly tired. However, once she pointed out that if she didn't go he would be in a car with her parents for almost three hours on his own, he was quick to relent.

Leora was excited to see her parents again, and a small part of her was eager for them to meet Adam. She wanted to believe that they would like him, after all he was a charming, respectable man and she loved him. She couldn't imagine any reason why they wouldn't like him. She knew that Adam was her soul mate and she was going to spend the rest of her life with him, but she still wanted her parents to approve.

She was antsy for most of the drive to the airport, Adam had noticed and convinced her to take a nap. They had to be out of the house by 7am in order to reach to the airport at a similar time to Katya and Christians flight.

All in all, Leora hadn't been in the bests of moods having to wake up so early. Adam had seen her mean streak that morning as she grumbled about him not letting her sleep the night before, as well as him booking her parents an early flight. None of it had phased him, knowing she hadn't meant any of it out of malice and had in fact spent a half an hour apologising before showing him exactly how very sorry she was. 

Leora rocked back and forth on her toes, her parents were meant to have landed twenty minutes ago but they still hadn't met them yet. Adam had assured her that there was a simple explanation - their flight had been delayed slightly and would be landing in ten minutes.

With each passing moment Leora felt her nerves and excitement grow. She hadn't been with her parents in almost four year of course they had chatted on the phone but it was hardly the same as being with someone in person. A part of the girl was scared that her parents would notice that she was different - namely pregnant - before she got a chance to explain everything for herself.

She didn't want them to think that she was lying to them by any means but she also didn't want them to freak out, or worse, think she was only marrying Adam because of the baby.

Her parents were also sticklers for tradition. They were very religious and believed any pre-marital fornication was an unholy sin. Leora didn't want to disappoint her parents, but she couldn't think of a way to explain her relationship with Adam in a way they would both understand and accept.

"Please don't fret my soul, everything will be fine." Adam murmured into her hair, pulling her close to him. He kissed her forehead, his lips lingering with a small smile when he felt her physically calm down.

"Yeah you're right..." She tried to convince herself, though it did nothing to really calm her worries.

Not another three minutes went by when Leora heard the familiar tone of her mother's voice  as she exited the airport. She was complaining to her father that she was affordable hadn't packed enough clothing for the trip.

'They're here!" Leora whisper shouted to Adam before turning back to where she heard the sound of her parents voices and called out to them coupled with a energetic wave. "Mama, Papa! Over here!"

Adam hadn't been that nervous in the lead up to meeting his soul's parents- Leora was his soul-mate and made to fit into his life, surely her parents would too. His reasoning had been slightly optimistic, and he had acted incredibly nonchalant about the whole affair, perhaps because he didn't want anyone to know exactly how much he really wanted these peoples approval.

At a first glance, he wasn't all that surprised at the human couple. Katya bared most of the resemblance to her daughter - they had the same mousy, brown, wavy hair, the same slender nose and the same face shape. Leora was also a similar height to her mother, both women being around average height though Katya probably stood a couple inches taller at 5'7.

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