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Adam was glad to know that his plans and involvement in developing Willsden Brooke was progressing nicely. He had gone with Leora back to her to the small town to see the development of the expansions, to which the girl was absolutely thrilled.

She had been able to catch up with Freddie, who upon seeing his old flame almost burst into tears. They had been able to catch up on all the happenings that had been going on, giving Leora insight from the townspeople's points of view whilst Adam went over the business side of things with his pack members in charge of the development.

Freddie told her all about the new people who had migrated to the town; he seemed to be indifferent but then again Freddie never did like change. He said that the new people who came into town were different- Willsden Brooke hadn't been all that diverse before, a small refuge hidden away in the middle of nowhere. However, with Adam's idea to expand, the humans who once took up space in Damien's pack were now able to take refuge in the town where they truly belonged.

Leora could feel the changes in the air around her, and could hear the feedback, but to her the town still felt exactly the same. She doubted that it was hardly something that would ever change- that small feeling of familiarity and nostalgia that encompassed her when being in her old home.

Whilst both were happy to oversee the progress, they both knew that neither could stay away from the pack for too long and they sure as hell couldn't live without each other. Especially since they had mated, they could hardly keep their hands off each other- they had been intimate with each other practically every day since they first mated. It was almost as if they couldn't go a day without indulging in one another.

They had stayed all but a week in which Leora had also managed to sort out some of her personal affairs, finally cutting ties with the human town that much less seemed like a home after her experience with Adam and his pack of Wolves. The week was hardly long enough for them to see everything, and it made them realise exactly how much of a task they had taken on with this project.

However the challenge didn't frighten them, not in the slightest, instead it forced them to look over their approach. They both agreed that a smaller team should be deployed in order to monitor the constant progress being made- Adam decided to personally select the group himself.

Such a task only took him a few days. His mind had been easily made up which is why it came to him as a surprise when Stephanie Layton came to ask him for his permission to spearhead the project in Willsden Brooke. She had argued: "The responsibility is perfect for me as the daughter of a Gamma, and I also think it would do me good to take a breather from the pack."

What she actually meant, was to take a breather from him. For such a long time, her father had prepared her for the notion that one day she could possibly be Luna and now she had to come to terms with the fact that the title was never to be hers to begin with. She wasn't entirely sure what she had fallen in love with- whether it was him, the power, being beside someone as strong as him or just simply the idea of having the perfect life. What she did know was that being in the pack now was hard and she needed time to move forward and for once consider what she wanted for herself. Not follow some hope or plan that her parents had forced her into believing.

Adam, though he didn't know the extent of her emotions, he had a feeling that letting her go would be more useful than keeping her in the pack. Stephanie was somewhat surprised that he had let her go without much of a fight, but that was why he was the Alpha- he knew what was best for his pack members.

"I want a report every week for the next three months," Adam nodded as he wrote down the relevant information for her on a post-it note. "I've already arranged living arrangements, we're guesstimating that this could take somewhere close to a year, maybe longer."

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