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Published on January 31st, 2019


Like a motorised toy bouncing off a wall, only to repeat and repeat the same action, Theresa May is locked into a pointless cycle of her own creation. Her only response to suffering such a humiliating defeat is to use the fig leaf handed to her by yesterday's meaningless vote as a pretext to go back to Brussels begging for a renegotiation of an agreement the EU has made clear is not open to further discussion; a point their spokesmen and leading officials reiterated before May had even returned to 10 Downing Street from the Houses of Parliament.

The Commons is due to vote again on whatever 'progress' has been achieved on the Withdrawal Agreement on February the 14th, and I doubt if there'll be much love in the air if as expected the Prime Minister returns with nothing more than unsubstantive promises or letters of intent; then her doomed plan can be expected to suffer another drubbing.

That's when the squeaky bum time begins in earnest. How many MPs will succumb to Project Fear and break ranks to support May's deal as being better than no deal, or attempt to revoke Article 50 altogether? Will the Prime Minister, finally realising she overplayed her hand, accept the inevitable and switch into a faux Churchillian managed no deal mode? With a scant six weeks to go until March 29th by then, time will be tight to pass the backlog of legislation required to exit the EU under any circumstances and finalise what desperate last-minute preparations can be made.

Maybot has encountered a problem and needs to shut down.

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