Has it really come to this?

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Published on March 14th, 2019.

Well we knew they were a bunch of utterly useless wankers, but last night Parliament disgraced itself by voting to reject the No Deal option, opening the door for May to drive Brexit into a quagmire of her own creation. If as expected, the MPs further roll themselves in dog shit by approving the government motion to apply for an Article 50 extension, we will face the humiliating prospect of handing the decision as to when we might leave the EU to the European Union for approval!

However, all is not yet lost. The response of an EU spokesperson to last night's vote, in effect saying that though Parliament may have voted to take No Deal off the table, a withdrawal agreement had to be proposed by the UK to ensure that was the case, hints at a hardening of attitudes on their part; an exasperation with us. We can yet hope that in the absence of a coherent plan on the UK government's part as to how to proceed during any proposed extension, the bloc decides to cut their loses and dumps us over the side like a barrel of toxic waste at sea. Remember; until actively amended, the EU Withdrawal Act and the March 29th leaving date enshrined within remains in force; and the EU has to unanimously approve any Article 50 extension, otherwise the clean break Brexit proceeds as before.

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