Some Days You're The Pigeon...

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Published on September the 5th, 2019. 13.50.

It has been a hellish few days for Boris Johnson; from confidently expecting to strongarm Parliament on Monday, to being all but usurped on  Tuesday, losing his governmental majority live on TV as he made his first primeministerial speech; then having control of the week's agenda torn from his grasp before having to watch helplessly as further humiliation was heaped upon him by the passing, aided by a sizeable Tory rebellion, of the Benn Bill, as well as the refusal of the Commons to even allow a general election to take place. It is said that there are times when you are the pigeon, and at other times the statue; currently BoJo is the target for all manner of political bird faeces.

The chief shitter of the flock - Jeremy Corbyn - appears to take a form of sadistic pleasure in Johnson's distress, ruling out the possibility of an election until mid-November at the very earliest, as if the nation could continue to endure the current shambles until then! Such an attitude reflects badly upon the Labour leader, as he'll no doubt find out to his cost when the Writ of Election is finally, grudgingly granted.

For though Boris' Primeministership and party are a wreck at the moment, Johnson has the advantage of being able to frame the contest as one of People against an arrogantly elitist Parliament, a 'stabbed in the back' narrative which will resonate well with an exasperated electorate. I think in that case it wouldn't be long, especially if some form of electoral pact can be forged with the Brexit Party, before Corbyn and the rest of the Westminster Wankers find themselves caught inescapably below BoJo's full cloaca once again.

As for the Benn Act, the damage it has caused can be reversed, eventually and at a cost, although the House of Lords will need to be flooded with newly enobled hard core Brexiteers to make certain of it's passing there. Given a sufficient majority in both houses, the National Humiliation Act can be shredded  before progress is resumed toward the hardest of hard Brexits in early 2020.

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