Chapter 27

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Lua's POV:

My body hurt, my head was limp against Grayson's chest, as he stared at the king and queen with rage.

Why was he so angry?

My mind whirled at the possibilities, and I quickly shut it all off when my stomach began getting giddy and my cheeks began to burn. It wasn't possible.

The king quickly regained himself and stood up, rightening his jacket. His eyes were such a dark blue they looked black with hatred, he took a step towards us, and suddenly the air became tenser.

"You put her down right this second," He hissed between his teeth, "She is my daughter, she belongs to me,"

A rage consumed Grayson, shocking me to my core, his magic was swirling around him, invisible but it could be distinctly felt. I lifted my head slightly, waiting, anticipating for my anger to follow quickly afterwards, but there was nothing, no fire, not even a flame. I was completely empty. My head fell back, a hint of sadness inside the swirling dark ichor inside me.

"She belongs to no one," His golden eyes were dark, his voice rumbling the very ground. And I felt utterly pathetic, I couldn't even stand up for myself, he had to do it for me. The energy was no longer there for it.

I stared at the king and queen, at what they had done, and pure hatred consumed me, as I stared at their horrid faces and loathed that I had their blood running through my veins. I hated them for taking away my magic, for treating me like shit.

"I want to kill them," I murmured, my eyes half-closed. Grayson's eyes flicked down to me, his face unreadable.

"I'm going to be the ones to kill them," I said, my voice stronger than before.

"What was that dear?" The king said, hearing me, he theatrically put a hand behind his ear, indicating that he was listening.

I stared at him, then at the queen, mustering all the hatred in me, "I am going to burn your kingdom to nothing but ashes," that detestation for the two speaking for me, "And when I am done destroying everything you created, I will burn you two, so even your bones won't survive the fire," I didn't know where all of this was coming from, "No one will remember you or your kingdom even existed, you will merely be a whisper in the screaming legends."

They didn't speak, they didn't mock, they just stared at me. I could feel Grayson's eyes on me too.

Did I sound stupid?

I shook off the feeling, I didn't care what they thought. Everything I had said was going to happen. I was going to end them.

The wind stirred, and I knew Grayson was going to winnow us away.

Away, to his kingdom. I was going to leave with them.

And for some reason, I wasn't worried. I was utterly calm, as I watched Grayson's raven hair sway in the growing winds. I wasn't afraid. I felt better leaving with someone I barely knew than stay here.

I closed my eyes, breathing in the scent I had been craving for weeks now.

"You are not taking her anywhere!" The king's voice thundered.

My eyes stayed closed, I couldn't be bothered to deal with him.

"I don't think you have a say in that," Grayson replied back for me.


We were gone. And my consciousness decided to leave too.


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