Chapter 37

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Lua POV: 

Something had definitely happened between Grayson and Nora. There was a thick tension between them, although Grayson made it seem like it didn't bother him at all. Nora, on the other hand, didn't miss an opportunity to glance at the King, her eyes filled with some distant longing, however, I was in no place to assume.

I brushed off the mystery occurrence between the two and went to hold Grayson's hand when Nora discreetly moved in front of me to grab it first. There was a sinking part of me that wanted to hold his hand, but it wasn't something to fuss over so I said nothing of it. 

But then her brother grabbed her empty hand and I was stuck between the two males. Holding Azule's hand was simple, there was nothing behind it, but my heart was fluttering when my hands moulded into Grayson's, the rough callouses brushing against mine. 

Suddenly, my heart surged into a galloping beat, as his thumb absent-mindedly began to graze the back of my hand; but I made sure not to show it on my face, albeit the fact that the rest could probably hear the thunderous booming inside me. 

As expected, the room began to shift and change; the walls melting away into a whirl of colours and then my eyes dropped to Nora and Grayson's joined hands and I couldn't help the little joy I felt when I noticed that he wasn't even holding her, her fingers were the only ones tightly gripping his loosely hanging ones. 

And I couldn't stop the curiosity of why that was. 

But when the city came to view, all thoughts melted away as I released everyone's hands and stared at the beauty of this place. 

The buildings seemed medieval, almost like they were built hundreds of years back, however, there was no sign of ruining. It was merely the way they were built that reminded me of years before. They were intricately designed with patterns on the beige concrete walls, rows and rows lined up beside each other along the numerous streets. 

The even larger buildings was a sight to be seen, they were perhaps monuments of this place since the gold that was engraved alongside the designs gave off the impression that they were important. 

There were so many streets and so many people, that it slightly shocked me. It had been a very long while since I had interacted with the public, but now looking at the bustling streets, the shops and cafes and libraries, I was getting excited. I wanted to see everything, experience everything this city could offer. 

"What do you think?" Grayson said, his voice close to my ear. I turned slightly to see he was slightly bending down so his head was hovering over my shoulder. I longed to lean back and rest my head on him. But even now, the proximity made me feel giddy inside. On instinct, I tried to shut the feeling down, but the bubbly feeling was new and didn't feel bad so I let it go. 

"It's beautiful," I replied, smiling slightly at the wondrous place. "I want to see everything," 

I could feel his burning gaze on me as I spoke, his breath caressing my skin, as he said - "I'll show it all to you," 

He straightened himself, clicking his fingers, so all our bags disappeared, perhaps gone to where we were staying, and then turned to the siblings and nodded at them. 

Azule nodded back and walked away, whereas Nora lingered for a while, her eyes suddenly so full of resentment and another emotion, as she stared at the two of us. And then, with a sharp turn, she walked away. 

"What are they going to do?" I asked, watching as Grayson casually placed his hands in his pockets. 

"They're going to find who we are looking for," 

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