Chapter 35

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Lua's POV:

My heart felt lighter as we spirited back to Grayson's house, my mind didn't feel cloudy anymore, it didn't feel like I was peering through misted glass. 

"I'm hungry," Azule complained, once we appeared in the middle of the dining room. He was a bloody mess, his clothes coated in blue and different sizes of burns spotted around his body, although they seemed to be healing quickly. 

"Go clean yourself first, you smell like a wet dog," Nora replied back to him, clenching her nose and pushing him towards the doors. 

Her brother scowled at her, "You don't smell any better," 

"We all need a good bath," Grayson interrupted, his voice sending shivers through me. 

And we watched as the two left the room, pushing and pulling at each other. 

A silence fell in the room as the doors clicked shut and Grayson turned to me with a lopsided smile, an almost guilty look on his face, as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

"What?" I asked, clearly seeing the question in his eyes, my cheeks burning slightly at the feeling of his eyes on me. 

"Sorry to be a bother, but..." He turned and dropped the belt of daggers and other weapons and then began lifting his shirt off. I felt my heart begin to thunder, every limb on my body was set on fire as I watched the hard muscles of his stomach move. 

I wanted to reach out and run my hand over it but contained the urge. 

And then he turned around and I began hearing a faint roar in my ears, as my eyes ran over the large and deep burn on his back; the skin was torn and red, blistering painfully. 

My magic spiked at the sight, fuming at whoever had done it. 

"Sit down," I said and watched him obey my command. He placed himself on a wooden stool near the window, his midnight hair shining in the moonlight, those silver hoops twinkling. 

I silently walked up behind him, absent-mindedly tracing my finger around the burn, and thinking about how much I wanted to bury whoever had done this six feet under the ground. 

He shivered, goosebumps washing along his bare arms, but he didn't complain. 

And so I began to heal him, my hands warm as I watched my magic flow into him, the wound so deep I had to linger in certain spots for it to heal fully. 

"Why can't you heal yourself anymore? Why can't I heal myself either?" I asked, the question had been tugging at me since the battle. 

He was silent for a moment before he said, "I don't know," 

I couldn't see his face to analyse it, to figure out if he was lying or not. But his voice was even; he was either a very good liar, or he wasn't lying at all. 

I decided to opt with the latter, wanting to trust him; willing to trust him. 

"I'll take your word for it then," I said, and I felt his muscles tense. 

I raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. 

"What are you going to do about the dragons?" I asked, breaking the silence. 

He sighed, the strain and stress of it all clear as day to me, and I was annoyed at myself for not being able to help him. 

"I-," he began before cutting himself off. 

Instinctively, more of my magic poured into him, half hoping that it would make him feel somewhat better. I scanned the amount of skin that was burnt, only being halfway done at that moment, and realising that it went over his shoulder and towards his chest area. I had somehow missed those burns when he was turned towards me in the beginning.

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