Chapter 50

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Lua's POV: 

The stone walls. The perfectly arranged weapons. The cold and musty smell. 

I felt the blood completely drain from my face, as the smoke cleared away to where they had taken me. 

No, no, no, no 

This couldn't be happening again, not when I had finally begun to live with the trauma, not when everything was beginning to feel alright again. 

My eyes flung around in a panicked frenzy, the air not fully reaching my lungs; there was no trace of blood on the walls and floor as if everything that they had done to me had never happened. 

I waited for my magic to surge, for something to get me out of this nightmarish situation, but nothing came. My well of power was completely deduced to a couple of drops, but it was coming back. Slowly but surely. 

It had to have been the powder that was flung everywhere in the hall. Meaning that they still had more with them. I had to think very carefully about what I was going to do next.

But at the moment, everything in my brain was cloudy and a haze, no proper thought staying in place for long; my terror completely taking over. I was shaking pathetically as the force held me in place, so the chill of the ground began numbing my legs. If I tried to move, it wrapped itself tighter against me. 

There was no one around me, I realised before I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing, to control something; so it didn't feel like I was going completely insane. My mind instead flashed to the last thing I remembered. 


His golden eyes filled with complete despair as he realised what was going on, his screams resonating through my mind, cracking my heart with its hopeless tone. I didn't know where he was right now, or if he was alright and my body ached to feel his comforting warmth again, just to be in his presence again; but it was replaced with the harsh reality that I wouldn't have any of those things for a while. 

"Well, well, well," My eyes snapped open, although they remained to stare at the ground. His voice brought memories of gruesome pain and damage, but I forced myself to push my head up and meet his gaze, even as I wanted to be sick. 

"It hasn't been that long and what are you now? The Queen of the West," A mocking laugh escaped his lips, "Was being the Princess of the Moon not enough for you?"

"I don't want anything to do with you worthless scums," I spat, and in response, the force gripped tighter, the king's eyes narrowed, obvious anger flaring in the dead blue. "Besides," I continued, "who would want to be related to piss-poor pieces of shit anyway? You shame this kingdom." 

The male said nothing as he booted my stomach, so I fell back coughing and spitting, trying to breathe as my lungs failed to work, and overwhelming nausea took over for a long minute. I didn't really know what I was doing, I knew that I was being reckless, but my terror was going hand in hand with my rage; the promises I had made still ringing loudly within me. But I knew that this rage was clearing the fog I had been in, the knowledge that I was already getting under his skin was increasing the adrenaline rushing through my veins. 

"You don't agree?" I said, my breaths laboured, "Let me guess, this force isn't even from you, is it? Are you using someone else again to fulfil your ridiculous obsession that you are better than everyone? That you can conquer lands and sit on a throne, whilst everyone around you suffers?" 

I expected the punch that landed on my face, the pain pulsing through my skin, but I still managed to grin, he had just proven my theory, "Well, let me tell you, dear father, without this power, you would be the nobody you truly are. The nobody you have always been," 

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