Shot 19: Home totur? I don't need one!

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Several day has passed and that Dream about chibi-chan have never appear again before me. At first I was not worry because it's just a 'dream' and beside I always dreamed of it since I was a kid which I thought in my mind that I'll soon dream of it.

However soon...I realize something wrong, the dream I have last time was clearly about chibi-chan past...being tied in a metallic table and treated as an experiment animal what's more is that he was surrounded by many people who was carrying all kinds of unknown things, until now I could still hear his cries of agony and despair at such a young age how could he survive? how could he still smile like that, like the world was all good and never was unfair to him.

I become anxious, I wanted to  see it again, I wanted to see chibi-chan and ask him what does that dream mean, it was like conveying a hidden message, maybe a clue about chibi-chan.

I was restless this few days even Asari and G notice it and began to scold and preminded me to pay more attention when it comes to class, they ask me what's wrong and I just said that day I was feeling unwell though they already know that it's because of that Dream, they already know that I'm always having strange dream and about the Chibi-chan.

So both of them never find it strange, and continue our days.

Right now I'm tidying my uniform and got my bag and started to go downstairs for breakfast.

" Good morning Okaa-san..*yawn*"

"Good morning Gio-kun" Okaa-san who was wearing apron put the food in the table then give me a smile.

I smile back at her and took a seat and began eating breakfast.

"Oh right, did you receive Otou-san letter Okaa-san ?" I said while eating.

"Ah, you're don't remember what I said to you yesterday ne, Gio-kun?"

"Yesterday? Did you say something yesterday? I don't remember sorry okaa-san hehehe"

"Maa~ it's fine, you were absentminded that you're dad said he'll just give us call later today no need for the letter, here eat some vegetables Gio-kun" she put the carrot in my plate

"Is that so.." I mumble and continue eating.

"Ah, I almost forgot! " Okaa-san stand and get something from the top of the TV ...a letter?

"How silly of me, Look Gio-kun ! I found you a tutor!" She chirp happily.

"Okaa-san, I don't need one beside my grade at school is fine " why would I need a totur? I'm already one of the top students.

"Don't be like that Gio-kun, you see, it say here that as long we provide the house and food he can totur you for free! Also he is young and handsome! Isn't that great! " Okaa-san Happily exclaim she's clearly in good mood but I don't, I doubt it.

As long it Provide food and the house? Young and Handsome? Sound like a scam.

"Okaa-san, that's a scam!"

*Ding dong*

"Oh someone at the door, Gio-kun go open it for me"

"Hai hai" putting down my plate I stand up and headed toward the door and open it

"Eh? There's no one here" I look around and see no one I thought it was another one of those kid prank so I decided to close it when I heard a voice.



looking down, there I saw a baby wearing a suit with fedora and carrying a suitcase with a green chameleon, his black abyss like eye stare at me.

"A BABY?!" I exclaim shock why is there a baby here? But I was more shock at his next words.

"I'm you're new Home Tutor"


I was dumbfounded from what the baby said, home Tutor?! You're just a baby! Who are you trying to fool!?

"Im not fooling you Baka-Gio"

Wait what?! Did he just read my thought!

"I didn't"

"Then how could you..." I slowly said but was cut off.

"It's all written in you're stupid face"

"....." Damn, Savage

How come a baby who come out of nowhere is insulting me right now.

"Ne..are you lost? Where's you're parent?" When I began to talk to him I didn't even notice him turning the chameleon into a gun but was stop when Okaa-san come over.

" Who's at the door? " When she come closer she notice the baby.

"Ara? A baby? Are you lost?"

"No I'm the new home tutor" torturer he tapped his fedora and the green chameleon was back to normal.

"No way! his n---"

"Ah! you're the Home tutor, please come in"  before i could finish my words Okaa-san already invited him inside.

"Okaa-san I don't need a tutor" I said when we are back inside the house.

"Gio-kun isn't great to have a tutor--"

"But Okaa-san!!" I began to argue and didn't let Okaa-san finish her words. I just don't want a totur and I don't want Okaa-san to be scammed she always was so easy to fool because of her obliviousness.



"Rule number, don't talk back at you're mother Baka-Gio nor Cut her off her words" Okaa-san was already back at the kitchen. Readying the bento and putted it inside my bag.

"I wasn't--"


"Ow....!! T-that hurt! Stop!" My head hurt and where the heck did he get that hammer?!

"Baka-Gio you have a gut to dare you talk back at me too ha "

"W-what?! Who's Baka-Gio?! Where did you learn that name!"

I just realized he was using my old nick name, it was a nickname given to me by my classmates. To tease me.

" It's a given to find out who you're ally and enemy through information seem like you're not as smart as they say"

"You stalked me?!" Before I could continue to argue a ring at the door bell sound out.

*Ding dong*

That's maybe G and Asari. So I walk back the table and get my back heading outside the house.

" Anyway I don't need a home tutor and Don't follow me!" I run up and said.

"Okaa-san, I'll be going! "

"Take care!"

"En" I nodded. I open the door and walk outside there I saw G who's uniform is somewhat Gangster style and Asari who's smiling serenely.

"Good morning Giotto"

"Took you long enough Baka"

Both of them said at the same time I just sweat dropped.

"En, Good morning let's go or will be late" I said and started to walk.

"Say the one who' keep us waiting"

"Hai hai "

"Hahaha that's enough let's go or that Demon Lord is going to cuff us to death! " then we began to run.

Unknown to me a certain Spartan was also following me secretly.


Guy's I somehow mess up the A/N that you readed, so just forget about it but fact is that the lines there was use so don't worry. Anyway hope ya enjoy!

Ja' ne ( see yah )

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