Chapter One: The Beginning

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     Fragmented voices hover around me, but the world is dark. The cold tip of something sharp and metal slides down the side of my head, parting the skin as it goes, but my eyes refuse to open. My fingernails bite into the flesh of my palms, yet it does nothing to alleviate the throbbing stabbing at my brain. I groan as warm, thick liquid seeps down my head, pooling at the bottom.

     A low voice eventually becomes audible enough to make out. "He's waking up, give him another sedative," it demands from somewhere above me.

     With maximal effort, I pry my eyelids open, only for a blinding light to snap them shut once again. My heart rate quickens, the panic setting in as the vague murmurings grow close and shuffling draws nearer. The next act of protest I attempt is to move, but my legs defy my command as though filled with lead.

     Something pricks my neck before my internal frenzy can progress any further. A strange sense of peace washes over me, or perhaps it's simply drowsiness. The panic gradually starts to subside until a sudden realization hits me.

Who am I?

     I try to wrack my brain for answers but keep coming up blank before the need to sleep becomes too great. My grip on reality fades, and darkness swiftly envelops me once more.n.


     My consciousness begins to return to me and panic fills my body. I am in a seated position and I feel cold metal around my wrists suggesting I am chained to the surface of what feels to be a metal table.

     Then the memories come flooding back to me, well lack thereof, waking up in that room being confused and not remembering a single thing about myself or my past.

     Before my mind can wander too far my eyes snap open. Light penetrates my eyes making me squint. My eyes begin to adjust focusing on the tanned woman sitting patiently opposite me. My previous assessment was indeed correct, I have been seated on a metal seat with manacles binding my wrists to the surface of the table. My eyes drift over the cold stone walls that enclose the room. The room is baron, the metal table and chairs bolted to the floor being its only contents and a singular sturdy door. I then focus on the woman again, her daunting gaze sending chills down my spine.

     No volume to comes out when I go to speak. Realizing how dry my throat actually is, I clear it and actually speak this time, "Wh-where am I? Why can't I remember anything?! Who are you?!" Questions come pouring out without end.

     The woman opposite my simply blinks slowly a couple of times waiting for me to finish before finally responding, "I am merely here to help you understand what is happening."

"Well, you better get explaining then!" I say rather loudly, my patience growing thin.

     The woman looks at me and tilts her head in mild amusement, "What do you want to know?"

     I hesitant for a moment, taken aback. It is surprising she is willing to tell me anything. I begin contemplating what to ask first, assuming she actually tells me. "Where am I?" I ask in a more than scratchy voice.

"You are in one of our three mutant facilities in the United States."

"Mutant facilities?! Wh-what am I doing here?! Who are you?!" I stammer, utterly appalled.

     She waits for me to finish, straightening her navy suit, "We are Umbra. That's what we call ourselves anyway. The world is in chaos, these humans need to be led, and we, Umbra, are willing to supply the answer to that need. The only way to lead is through fear, that's why we need a weapon. The mutants, you."

"Wh-what? I'm not a mutant!... Whatever that is."

"You will be." My eyes grow as she speaks each word adding to my horror, "We apologise for any inconvenience, but it is required that your mind be wiped for this...process to go as smoothly as possible.

"You're sorry for any inconvenience?!" I yell out almost forgetting my fear for a time, "You've kidnapped me, wiped my mind, now you're telling me you want to turn me into a mutant, and you're sorry for any inconvenience?! I'll show you an inconvenience!" My fits clench into balls.

     My pointless struggling merely exasperates the woman causing her to sigh heavily.

     After a few long moments of what can only be explained as embarrassing myself I manage to calm down. With wide eyes I try to contemplate everything, leading to my final question.

"Why me?" I sigh hopelessly.

"Why not you?"

A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it and stick around for more updates! This is the first fiction I have ever written so I am super hyped about it! It may seem confusing, but everything will unfold soon enough. 

EDIT: I haven't edited these early chapters to my current writing standard (which I will do when the book is completed) so my apologies, the first few chapters are a little rough.


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