Chapter 3: Chest pains

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----------This chapter goes out to SteveClapp, an awesome dude. Go check out his works<3----------

At lunch, I sat in my usual spot next to Gage. He ate in silence, not saying a word to anyone, looking really annoyed. Emmet kept winking at me, and I was starting to get frustrated. Like, what the heck man. He is obviously pressing Gage's buttons, and for the life of me I can't figure out WHY. Ugh.

Emmet winks again, and I glare at my lunch tray. Peas! No really, peas. Hell if i'm going to eat them, so why not make use of them? Genius.

I place one on a plastic spoon, and aim it at Emmet. I'll show you to keep winking at me, fool. Steady.....Aim.....Fire! I fling it across the table, and it splats on his cheek. Yes! I shoot like a boss!

Emmet slowly wipes it off, and looks around for the culprit, since everyone at the table is very naughty and are all culprits. I pretend to look grumpy while eating my food, and his eyes narrow in on Gage. Oh no. What have I done?!

I watch in horror as Emmet fills a spoon with ketchup and points it towards Gage. I can't let this happen, can I? Too late. He releases the tip of the spoon and the ketchup soars, landing right smack on Gage's forehead, food-dying the tips of his curls red.

I widen my eyes at the amount of ketchup on his head. That seems a lot more than a spoonful! Emmet is laughing like a lunatic, along with a few others. The rest of table looks shocked. Gage is frozen, eyes shut tight. That isn't good. That isn't good, at all. I hastily grab a napkin, and begin wiping the sauce off. When it is all off, I sit back in anticipation, watching for his next move. 

"Ah, Gagey. You can't even fight back with food! I'll steal the victory in the lunchroom and in your love life!"

Huh? What does he mean, 'love life?' As far as I know, Gage is single, if you count me out. Then Gage's eyes open, and the look in them is nothing short of murderous. Quicker than I can comprehend Gage flings one of his tater tots at Emmet's face, hitting his eye.

"Ah! You buttmunch!" At these words, war erupts in the cafeteria. Food begins to fly everywhere I look, kids shouting and laughing.

Apparently the whole school had been watching us! Gage and Emmet are throwing whatever they can find at each other, while the rest of the table eye me with wicked grins. 

"What are you lookin' at?!" 

"FIRE!" Someone yells, and then I am fast turning into a walking potluck! 

"EEK!" I shriek, and dive under the table with difficulty, crawling the length towards my escape. I stop to wipe some mustard off of my eyebrow and crinkle my nose.

"Gross! I hate mustard!" Grimacing, I crawl faster and when I make it to the end I run like the wind to the doors and exit them, panting.

Ugh! I just had to throw the pea! Oh well. Suddenly someone barges through the doors behind me, and I jump.

"Emmet! Why'd you have to go and do that?! I threw the pea at you, not him!" He grins, waggling his eyebrows like a freak.

"I know, dummy! You ain't exactly stealthy. I just wanted to fling ketchup at Gage." What an Idiot!

"You are so stupid. Gage is gonna kill you." 

"I know that, too. But, maybe I should do something just before I die." He says, looking mighty suspicious. I raise an eyebrow at him, and he moves closer, like a snake stalking it's prey. 

"Don't give me that look, you freak. What do you want?" I say, and gulp as my back hits a wall. 

"Oh, nothing. Except for one little thing." 

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