Chapter 10: Off the charts llama Jesus

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----------This chapter is dedicated to emsie21, who is the shiznit in the bizniss. Thank you to those reading, you're also some shiznit in dis bizniss lmao :D----------

/\/\/\/\/\/\ Gage's POV :D/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Okay. I am officially a horrible person. 

Why can't I just control my temper? As if I needed Levi to be more angry with me. I just get so mad! I wish there was some way I could see what he was thinking in that head of his, so I could help him. But he doesn't want help, and that's the biggest problem. 

"Blegghh." I groan, and my dad smirks at me. Why does he enjoy my pain?

"Stop groaning Gage. It's just the Ophthalmologist. You probably won't need glasses anyway. You have my eyesight!" He says proudly, and I groan again. I can't even say the word, I just say 'eye doctor'. I mean, what the heck kind of word is that? I hate who ever came up with it.

"Come on Gage. Just say it. Say, Oph-thalm-olo-gist." I shrug, and try it.

"Off the mole a just." He rolls his eyes, and I glare at him. 

"Failure. Try again." Gee thanks dad. Good to know i'm a failure.

"Oppa Gangnam Style." I say, just for giggles and he scowls, reaching over and smacking my back.

I immediately start coughing, which happens when ever someone smacks my back. He laughs, and smacks my back again, while I cough to death. 

"You-cough-jerk!" I say between coughs, and he just keeps laughing. I hate you dad. Not really, but I still hate you. Actually, I love you. But, I hate you a lot.  

"Just say it! It isn't that hard you idiot." What. An. A-Hole.

"What-cough-ever!" I say, and pound my chest, stopping the coughs momentarily.

"Try it one more time. No funny business."

"Ugh, fine! Why this is so important right now, I don't know, but fine." I say, and he ushers for me to hurry up.

"At the mall of dick?" He widens his eyes, and I burst out laughing before he smacks my back again and I start coughing while laughing, almost dying in the process. 

So, this crazy scene is what the -off the charts llama Jesus- or however you say it doctor walked in on. My dad slapping my back, while I cough to death and try to stop laughing.

"Excuse me?" She says, and he stops pounding my back. Thank goodness. I am still coughing, but not for long since he stopped.

"We're ready for you now." My dad grabs my arm and pulls me with him, me coughing along behind him. 

Eventually I stop coughing, thankfully before the doctor comes back to examine me. We go through the usual torture, the mean EYE DOCTOR poking and prodding my squishy eye balls.

Then, we finally get to the machine. It's horrible. I sit down on the little stool, and she swings it over, not paying attention and ramming it into my eye.

"AGH!" She instantly pulls it away and makes the, 'Eeeeeeh, that had to hurt' face. My dad is up in a second, pulling my hand away and looking at my eye. He purses his lips, and turns to glare at the lady, who looks like a deer in headlights now.

"You clumsy cow! That careless move could have taken my son's eye out! What do you have to say for yourself?" She gulps audibly, and sniffles.

"I'm sorry. Don't tell anyone! I'll lose my job! It's just a bad day I swear, It was an accident!" My dad doesn't even bat an eyelid at her little pity party.

"Well your 'bad day' and your 'accident' could have cost my son his eye, so it's only fitting it cost you your job." She pales as my father and I leave the room, and I grin at my dad, when he's not looking. Aww, he does care! 

So, in the end the lady got fired and we went through a decent appointment with a very nervous and careful doctor, since we got the last one fired. When we got home, as soon as Jenny saw me she flipped.

"Oh sweetie what happened to your eye? Do you want Jenny to kiss it better?" She started going for my lips and I moved her head away and pushed her to the side, going up to my room and locking the door behind me. I am so not in the mood right now.

Falling back on my bed, wincing as the blood rushed to my slightly purple eye. She really whacked me good. 

For some twisted reason though, i'm glad she did. I have felt guilty all day, fighting the weird urge to take Levi in my arms and never let go. His chocolate brown eyes, matching the color of his hair exactly. The way he has to swipe that hair out of his eyes every two minutes, because it's too long.

Thinking about that sad look in hi eyes, I can't help but i'm doing something wrong. Like, I should be doing something else, saying something else to help Levi but I can't figure out what it is. What am I supposed to do? 

----------Okay, it was short, but I liked it :P Tell me what you thought please? I'll give you a shoutout :D----------

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