Chapter 29: Never let this go

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                                           ----------  *~*  ----------

Madeline looked at me with a wicked glint in her eyes, like she knew that what she was doing was going to drive me over the edge. I gulped, squeezing Gage's hand so tightly it was probably cutting off his circulation, but I didn't care. I felt like I was going to hurl. 

"Levi, what a coincidence! And Gage, always so nice to see you." Madeline said, licking her lips. She knows she has the upper hand, it's all over her face. A face that I so badly want to rearrange. 

"Madeline, you don't have to do this," Gage says, putting a hand out and walking slowly forward.

"Emmet has nothing to do with this. Please leave him out." Gage pleads, his eyes moving from Emmet's pale face to Madeline's evil smirk. 

Madeline snorts, yanking Emmet to a stop. "Neither did Carlita, but I still killed her." I gasp, my hand flying to my mouth in shock. A tear spills down Emmet's face, making my heart pound with guilt and sorrow. Gage has stopped walking, and I see his jaw is clenched not in sadness, but in anger. 

"Damn it! Why are you doing this? Stop killing people! They never did anything to you. If this is all because of me, you're pathetic. You've only known me for five months at the most!" At this Madeline grits her teeth, suddenly shoving Emmet to the ground and pointing the gun to his head. I yelp, but she just glares viciously at Gage. 

"I have known you all my life! It would behoove you to remember me though! We've gone to school together since kindergarten! I always liked you, Gage. Always. But no, you never payed me the time of day! So, eventually I gave up. I started to crush on another guy, in eigth grade. Oh, he was wonderful." She looks dreamy for a second, then snaps back to reality.

"Eventually I got up enough courage to ask him out. You know what he said? You know what that sniveling, ungrateful little bastard said?! He said, he was in love with some other girl. Yeah. And do you know what I did? I GOT RID of that other girl! He would have loved me then, I know it, but my stupid parents got me put in some crazy asylum!" My eyes widen, hands shaking as things start to fall into place. Holy sh-

"I spent years there! Finally, this year, they decide to let me out. They realized that i'm just fine. I come back, but my love is gone. Then I see you. My sweet, sweet Gage hasn't left like that other boy! My chances are great with you, until HE comes along." She viciously points the gun at me, and in no time Gage has shoved me behind him, his breathing uneven with fear. I hear her cackle, and hesitantly peek around Gage to see her pointing the gun back at a stony Emmet. 

"He follows you around like a puppy, annoying you and hassling you, and then you date him?! How is that fair?! You aren't even gay! You should be dating me, not him! Why can't you love me Gage?!" She sobs, the gun going slack in her hand. 

"You belong with me Gage. Don't you see? Just let me kill him, and we can be together! I thought, you know, killing that other girl wasn't the right approach last time. I should have tried to ruin her first. Like I tried with him, but the more I ruined him, the closer you two got. The more he healed. Now, it's time to get rid of him completely. You can't love him over me if he's dead, right?" She raises the gun, making my heart thunder like an elephant stampede. 

"Wait! Why did you kill Carlita? She wasn't doing anything!" She bites her lip, having the nerve to look bashful. 

"Well, I came to Emmet's house after the police were stupid enough to let me sneak away, and I figured you might be here. I've seen you with that detective, and I knew she was tipping you off. I knew you would run, I just guessed where you would run and got lucky. I planned to hold Emmet hostage until you got here, but she got in the way, and well, she had to go." Emmet starts to cry when she says this, and I wish I could go over there and comfort him.

I better not, or I might end up with a bullet in my chest. 

"'re evil. Not just evil, you're insane!" Emmet shouts, and she glares down at him.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates in my pocket, making me freeze. Luckily, she doesn't hear, and I fish it out with shaky hands. Thank you Gage, for being so much larger than me! Wait. How am I going to answer?!

I press answer anyway, putting it to my face to whisper as quietly as I can, "Emmet Fullerton's house." Then hang up. I snap my eyes back to her, but she is having a stare down with Gage. I let out a sigh of relief, wringing my hands and trying to calm down before I put my own life in danger of a seizure. 

"Now don't you see i'm the better choice? I have always loved you Gage! Right from the start! I know you remember Gage, just look deep down!" She says, walking forward slowly. I cringe, pressing closer to Gage's back. 

"No, I don't see. All I know is that I love Levi, not you. Not because he's a guy, or because you're freakishly insane and need to be put in a cage on the moon. I love Levi because he's Levi, and no matter how many people you kill, or how many times you threaten me, nothing is going to change that." Gage says, bringing tears to my eyes. 

"UGH!" She shrieks incredibly loudly. She whips the gun forward, pointing it at me. Gage shoves me behind him again, and I try to shove him out of the way but I can't! 

"Gage, don't! Please, I can't lose you too!" He stands firm, not letting me move from behind him. Suddenly, a shot rings out, and I scream. But it wasn't Gage who was shot, or me.

Slowly, Gage moves me beside him, and I see Madeline, with her mouth open in shock, and a bullet in her side. Blood seeps through her shirt, and she drops the gun, looking down at her wound in shock. She falls ro her knees, looking up at the blue sky as if seeing something that wasn't there.

Sirens begin to wail around us, Barnes and Mallotti appearing out of nowhere. I quickly latch onto Gage, holding him tightly. The police quickly put Madeline onto a gurney, cuffing her to it and sending her on her way.

They check Emmet out, who seems to be in shock, whispering Carlita over and over. The medics rush into the house, and minutes later they pull out Carlita on a gurney as well.

I watch carefully, and it looks like they're trying to save her! She's alive! Emmet rushes to her side, holding her hand and getting into the ambulance with her, speeding down the block. 

Gage and I look at each other, not even being able to speak with the torrent of emotions tumbling through each of us at the moment. Relief, love, shock. All of what just happened crashes down on us at once. Gage just crushes me to his chest, and I hear him silently begin to cry. 

"Aw Gage, don't cry. You'll make me cry!" My lower lip trembles, the tears already present in my eyes spilling over. 

"I-I'm sorry, I just...I can't believe it. She almost killed us. All our love, our life together was almost ripped away. I'm never letting you go Levi. Never, ever again." He holds onto me tighter, and all I can do is hold him back, making the same vow in my head.

----------Muahahaha! This story is almost over my nuggets. Next chapter coming soon folks! I was sick with th flu, or this would have come sooner. Sorry! You didn't think I was gonna kill Gage or Levi did you? Y'all must be crazy. I ain't killing them. Puh-lease. Comment comment comment! I can't stress that enough! xD----------

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