Chapter 20: Irresistible

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----------Chapter twenty folks! Landmark! Shoutout to xHaydenMayx for voting a LOT and giving me a really sweet comment. This one's for you! <3---------- 

I told him everything right there on the lawn. I couldn't help it, I broke down as soon as those words left his lips. I just vented and vented while he held me in his arms, rubbing my back soothingly while I clung to him and sobbed all the day's sorrows into his chest. 

"Sshh, it's alright now Levi. I'm here, and no one is going to take you away from me." He said viciously, and a wave of protectiveness rolled off of him, making me feel safer than I had all morning. I shiver against him, and he quickly leads me inside and out of the Boston weather. 

We sit on the couch, me pressed into his side with his arms around me.

"Why weren't you at school?" I ask, tilting my chin to see his face as he sighs.

"I...had a feeling. I heard the sirens this morning, and so I stayed home from school. Jenny wouldn't let me go to the hospital this early, so I waited, and when I left the house well, there you were. Right on my front lawn like a cute little present just for me." I scowl, and he smirks down at me. Buttmuncher.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Like a fricking present. But still, that was weird how you just knew when to come out. Gage, you have no idea what i've been through today. I was about to break, and the next thing I know your arms are around me." He shrugs, and I smack his arm.

"Hey! This is a deep moment you ninny! You could at least take it seriously." He rubs his arm and pouts, big green eyes begging for forgiveness. I sigh.

"Ugh fine!" He smiles and hugs me to him again, making me smile too. 

"Gage, have you-" Jenny appears suddenly, and we both freeze. Her eyes narrow at us, and her lips tighten.

"Gage, what is he doing here?" She asks, clearly ecstatic to see me. 

"Can I talk to you privately for a second?" He says, turning around and kissing me quickly before getting up and following her stomping form into the kitchen. 

I sigh, leaning back against the couch and staring at the ceiling. I knew it. I knew she wasn't going to let me stay. Where am I supposed to go now?


"GAH!" I shout, jumping away from the random little person that appeared on the couch next to me. I look at her up and down, my hand on my chest.

"Who are you? You're cute. Why are you here? Are you Gage's boyfriend? I heard about you. My mommy doesn't like you very much, you know. My brother loooooooves you though! It's funny! Also did-"

"Shush child!" I say, slapping a hand over her mouth. Man this girl can talk! She stares up at me with wide eyes, and I stare back.

"Why do you talk so much?!" She giggles, pulling my hand away gently.

"I just like new people! Unless they are mean to me, then I don't like them. You aren't mean are you?" 

"I'd like to think i'm not?" She nods, still holding my hand which she has now lowered into her lap.

"That's good. We can be friends! What's your second name? I have to know that first." I look at her in confusion as her little black ringlets bounce around her petite pale face. She can't be above eight.

"My second name? You mean my middle name?" She nods again, and I am momentarily hypnotized by the ringlets before I snap out of it.

"Um, it's really embarrassing. I'd rather keep it to mys-"

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