Ch : 13

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On every Friday there is half day at school cause everyone has to prepare for Friday prayers.
The school off at 11:30 for students and at 12:30 for teachers . After the departure of every student the head aka Yusra(Ayesha's Mother) arrange an Islamic gathering for staff which is held in the grand library at the west wing of school.
In that meeting she preaches about the basics point of views of Islam.  She chooses any topic regarding current situations and enlighten her teachers with the light of Islam as good as she can.
Today her topic was Haya means modesty.
All the teachers were settled down at their respective places. Alizey and Ayesha were sitting side by side at the corner in the second row. 
Yusra came in and All the voices shut down. She cleared her throat.

" Asalam o alikum,  Jummah Mubarak " she greeted.

" Walikum Asalam , Khair Mubarak " all said in Unison.

" Allah blessed us with another Jummah we all should be thankful to Him and try to gather more and more blessings on this blissful day. In sha Allah "
She continued . " When Allah created Adam (A.S) and send him to live his life in jannah . He had every blessing one wish for but still he didn't feel contented.  There was a part of him wish was missing because of which he felt lonely and sad . As Allah knows everything he knew what part of life  Adam( A. S) was missing so he created the most beautiful woman for him. 
You know as Hazrat Yousuf (A. S)  is considered as the most handsome and beautiful man.  Haowa (A.S) is the most beautiful woman ever born so when Adam open his eyes he found her lying down beside him all covered with modesty.  Her modesty was her charm .

So the beginning of woman and man is Haya . If a human lacks the trait of modesty then he or she isn't a human they are animals in human skin .

Same as animal they don't have religion,  they don't have decency.  They are just born and living.

Modesty is a character of human .
It is not just covering yourself and wearing decent clothes.  It's a life style. It is your life.  Your gaze should be modest,  your way of walking and talking should be modest that it doesn't entertains a passer by and gain their attention.  You shouldn't behave like an attention seeker this is what modesty preaches.

It's for both man and woman.
But in case of woman it's much more strick cause woman character is more fragile than a man.  Even a single spot on her personality looks like a huge dirty stain which can't be removed.  You all can see that practically that if a man is in a relationship with a woman without marriage he is not condemned much as the woman is.  It's a sad fact but we can't deny it. 

So my dear listeners make modesty your life style and not just follow it physically but mentally and by soul. You have to jump in the pool of modesty,  you have to drown into it,  you have to adopt it as a religion then you will be able to have a peaceful life hereafter. 

With this beautiful quote I am ending this gathering that

' Haya is beauty which never gets old or worn out. ' With a smile she ended this beautiful gathering and walk out at the of library. 

The teachers packed their stuff and started leaving but still a person in the corner was not moving.  She was in a trance.  Again and again reliving her words.

If Modesty is a lifestyle then she was eager to adopt it as soon as possible.


JASMINE ✔️ (Unedited Version)Where stories live. Discover now