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"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," I say, clinging onto Lena's hand. With my other hand, I scratch my thigh.

"It's okay, girl," she says. "You can do this."

"I don't know..."

"Yes, you can," she insists.

"Relax," Owen says. "There's nothing to worry about."

"I just..."

"Sarah, listen to me," Lena looks into my eyes. "You've got this, okay? You're with me and Owen, nothing bad is going to happen."

"But what if it does?"

"Then... well... you look hot. And hot girls can handle anything."

I snort. "is that your new motto?"

"Right now, it is."

I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath. When I open them again, Lena is grinning at me. It's obviously a fake smile, but she's trying to reassure me.

"Are you ready?" Owen asks.

"Yes," I say, but it's a big fat lie. I'd rather throw out my lipsticks than go into this party. Okay, that's a lie too. I couldn't live without my lipsticks.

Owen leads us over the lawn of the fraternity house. There's a bunch of people out here, too, but I'm focused on the actual inside of the house. That's where all the noise is coming from.

As soon as we walk through the door, my senses are flooded. There are multiple coloured lights flashing around, making me dizzy. The music is so loud, I know my ears will be ringing tomorrow. People are walking around all over the place, completely filling up the house. They're everywhere. I can barely take a step without bumping into someone.

"You want a drink?" Owen calls over the music, pausing beside a group of guys with a keg.

"Yes please," Lena nods.

"I'll pass."

"Nope, she's having one, too."

Great. Owen fills up three cups, but he's smart enough to only fill mine an inch or so. I sniff it. My nose wrinkles right away, hating the smell. I bring it to my lips, taking a small sip. I let it sit in my mouth for a second, and then spit it back out.

Owen chuckles. "You don't like it?"

"I hate it!"

He takes the cup from my hand, placing it on top of the fireplace. He turns back to the group of guys, asking them something. One of them walks away, only to return a second later with a bottle in his hand. He gives it to Owen. He pops the top off, and hands it to me.

"Vodka strawberry," he says. "You'll like it."

I take a sip. This time, I swallow it. It's actually not that bad. It tastes like a weird strawberry flavoured soda.

"This is good," I say. "So much better than beer."

"I actually like it," Lena responds, talking about her drink. "It's kind of... different."

"I hope you don't like it too much," Owen laughs. "I don't wanna carry your drunk ass home."

"Don't worry. I've never been drunk before, and I won't make tonight the first time."

"Owen! My man!" A loud voice yells.

I look over my shoulders, spotting a group of guys marching our way. They're al shirtless, with neon text drawn over their skin. To my surprise, Christian is one of them. I stay close to Lena and Owen, almost trying to hide behind them.

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