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I'm so sorry I'm a day late!! I don't even have a decent excuse besides my crippling existential crisis lmaoooo

Enjoy this chapter, guys, and I'll be back tomorrow for another update!


"What the fuck are you doing here?" Christian sneers, getting up off his seat.

Owen looks at me, waiting for me to speak. I hesitate. I feel like I should be afraid. But I'm not. He's been a complete dick to me, and actually injured my wrist. He's an asshole. But I'm with Owen, so I'm safe.

I'm safe.

"I came to talk to you," I say.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you."

"Too bad," Owen comments. "Get your ass outside, now."

"Fuck no."

"Do you want another broken arm? Because I can make that happen."

"Owen!" I scold, glancing up at him. "That's not helping!"

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Christian responds.

"Fine," I say. I look around the room. There are a few people watching us, but they're just going to have to wait. "I want to make you a deal."

"What kind of deal?" he asks.

"You drop your charges, I'll drop mine."

"What? Fuck no!" Owen interferes, but I ignore him.

"I will take back my police report, if you take back yours," I say.

"Why would I do that?" Christian asks.

"To save yourself, and your entire frat."

"The frat?"

I nod. "My complaint details your entire points system. So, if you go down, your friends will go down too."

"You're bluffing."

"You think?" Owen scoffs. "We're the ones that told her about your shitty game, and we supported her statement."

"No, you fucking wouldn't."

"Well, we fucking did."

He's not completely lying. There is some truth to what he's saying. Tyler is the one who told me about the points system, but Owen knew about it, too. I was going to get both of them to make statements as evidence.

"Think about it, man," Owen continues. "If Tylers convicted, he gets a few months in prison. He already has a record, so it won't make a difference, anyway. But you? If you get convicted, you lose everything. No more college, no more cars, no more parties. Your whole life will be over, and so will all your friends."

"I will send you all to prison," I add. "But if you just drop the charges, I'll drop my complaint, and we'll never have to see each over again."

Men rarely ever get convicted of crimes like this. Their lawyers always argue the victims are 'asking for it'. It's pathetic, but I'll pull all my resources to make sure he doesn't walk away scot-free. 

"Fine," he nods. "I'll drop the charges."

"Smart choice," Owen says. "Now let's get going."


"Right fucking now."

Christian groans, walking our way. His leg must be injured because he limps out of the building.

"You do know what you're doing right?" Owen whispers to me.

"Definitely," I smile. "Just trust me on this."

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