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Blood flies out of Michael Greens nose. It splatters over the floor of the ring, and partially over Tyler's chest. The referee blows into his whistle, forcing Tyler to stop. The crowd cheers loudly, but I'm not sure what the whistle means yet. For a moment, I think Tyler is receiving another foul, but Owen is clapping beside me. Devon calls out loudly. Straight away, I join them, a hesitant smile appearing on my face. I'm not exactly sure what's happening.

The three men in the ring climb to their feet. Green stumbles slightly, but he pulls through. The referee lifts Tyler's arm into the air, announcing him as the winner of the fight. Tyler is grinning. Genuinely smiling.

"Woo!" I call, beaming up at him. "Yay, Tyler!"

The audience continues cheering him on, even as he jumps out of the ring. Devon throws a towel over his shoulders. Tyler looks around the room, but pauses when he meets my eyes. He looks so happy, it makes my stomach tingle. He shoots me a quick wink, almost making me giggle. I stop clapping instantly, letting my embarrassment win. I keep my eyes glued on him though, following his movements as he walks into the crowd and towards the change rooms.

"Can I go see him?" I ask Owen.

"Yeah, sure," he nods. "Come with me."

The crowd begins to disperse, but I still manage to stay close to Owen as he leads me down a small pathway between the chairs. It doesn't take long until we reach a black door with Tyler's name written on it. There's a giant security guard standing in front of it, but he opens the door for us without making a fuss. He must know Owen.

As soon as I step into the room, the noise of the crowd fades. It's bigger here than I expected. There's a bench in the center, and some lockers against the wall, but I don't care about them. All I can focus on is the smiling boy brightening the room.

My heart skips when our eyes meet.

"Hey, Pretty Princess," he smirks. Before I can stop myself, I'm marching towards him, excitement swimming through my veins.

"Oh my god!" I grin. "Congratulations!"

He scoops me up in his arms, squeezing me tightly. I laugh loudly as he lifts me up off the floor, crushing me against his chest.

"I'm so happy!" I giggle. "That was so...."

He sets me back down on the ground, moving his arms up to my head. He softly strokes my cheek with his thumb, his eyes searching mine. Not a second later, our lips meet. I press my lips hungrily against his, desperate for more. I want more. I want him. I love seeing him happy.

He deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue between my lips. I open up further, gripping onto his shoulders for support. Our mouths move in perfect sync, our lips dancings, and our tongues fighting.

We separate far too quickly. I pull away, trying to catch my breath as fast as possible so we can continue our kiss. But he has other plans.

"You're so perfect, you know that?" he whispers. I couldn't smile wider if I tried. The only thing stopping my face from turning bright red, is the thin layer of foundation covering my skin.

I search his eyes, reading all the emotions in his golden orbs. I don't even care about the dried up blood on his eyelid.

"I'm so happy you're happy," I respond.

He chuckles softly, causing his chest to rumble. I lean into him, reaching back up to meet his lips. But before I can, I feel my body being lifted up. I cling onto Tyler's shoulders, letting out a loud squeal.

He places his hands around my thighs, a sneaky smirk on his face. I instantly wrap my legs around his hips, securing myself against him. But then, he begins to walk.

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